Chapter 210

"What's the matter?" Yu Shaofan looked at her leaving back and asked, Lin Xi saw Jie Yiyi's big reaction, put down the bread in his hand, "I'll go and see."

Yu Shaofan picked up the steak on the plate, looked at it, and smelled it, and there was nothing abnormal.

In the bathroom, hearing Jie Yiyi's retching sound, Lin Xi patted her on the back, apologetically, "I'm sorry Yiyi, I didn't know you don't eat raw steak."

Retching a few times, feeling a little better in the stomach, Jie Yiyi rinsed her mouth, raised her head, "Lin Xi, it's none of your business, I haven't been able to eat too greasy things lately, maybe it's because my stomach is bad. Eating it will make you sick to your stomach.”

Yu Shaofan's footsteps stopped outside the door, and her words made his eyes deepen.

what did she say?Nausea after eating?Could it be... Thinking of this, he immediately backed out, took out his phone, and made a call.

Hearing what she said, Lin Xi breathed a sigh of relief, "I'll get you some stomach medicine later."

Jie Yiyi wiped her mouth with a tissue, and smiled in relief, "Thank you."

She didn't know when she started to be like this.

It seems that after Yan Yifeng kissed Ai Shishi's mouth and kissed her again, she will be like this.

Maybe it's because the lip gloss incident hasn't calmed down in her mind yet.

After coming out of the bathroom, Yu Shaofan got up from the dining table and looked at her worriedly, "How is it, Yiyi, is it better?"

"Well. Better."

Yu Shaofan let her sit on the sofa, "I called you a doctor."

Jie Yiyi looked at him in surprise, "Shaofan, no need, I just feel a little sick to my stomach."

It's been like this for weeks, and she's used to it.

"He's already on his way, and he'll be there soon." Yu Shaofan said lightly, but there was a trace of unknown emotion flickering in his eyes.

As if afraid of something.


"Let the doctor take a look. My stomach medicine is just for stomach pain. It may not work for you. I'll go to the dining table to clean up."

Lin Xi has always known Yu Shaofan and regards her as more important than his own life.

Jie Yiyi still smiled awkwardly.

Sitting on the sofa, Yu Shaofan brushed that strand of hair that was hanging down for her very gently.

The scene of her retching in the bathroom just now made him unable to recall the scene of her being oppressed by Yan Yifeng in the car that day.

The eyes couldn't help but become deeper and darker.

Ten minutes later, the doctor came. After examining Jie Yiyi, he didn't say anything, but prescribed medicine for her, and then asked her to eat as lightly as possible.

Jie Yiyi looked at Yu Shaofan, but his complexion did not improve, but became tense. Jie Yiyi said, "Shaofan, the doctor said I'm fine."

Only then did Yu Shaofan come back to his senses, he responded lightly, then glanced at the doctor who was packing the boxes, and said, "Yiyi, I'll take you upstairs to rest, and I'll take you back after lunch."

"Oh." Jie Yiyi didn't worry too much, and followed him upstairs.

Inside the study.

Yu Shaofan sat on the sofa, the doctor came in after him, Yu Shaofan motioned him to sit down, and then he put down the medicine box.

"Is it really just a stomach problem?" he asked.

He obviously had something to say just now, but Yu Shaofan deliberately asked him to keep it a secret.

"No——judging from Miss Jie's pulse, she is pregnant." The doctor replied.


Heart, as if being stabbed hard by something, Yu Shaofan's face became even more serious.

(End of this chapter)

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