Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 221 I'm Joking With You

Chapter 221 I'm Joking With You
Tightening the ointment in her hand, there was still a little warm breath there, Jie Yiyi nodded, "Okay, I will."

Only then did Jie Zhengxin step away in peace, and Jie Yiyi quickly closed the door.

Just now, I looked at my father's eyes, as if there was something I didn't say.

There is always something strange in my heart, as if being suppressed by something, and there is always an ominous premonition, as if something is about to happen.

Because she had such an experience once, she was tossed and turned, and only then did she find out a few clues.

She knows what she's worried about.

Her adoptive mother has always disliked her, and she was a little afraid that she would persuade her father to sell her again.

It seems that this family can't stay longer and has to leave as soon as possible.

She didn't know whether her father's concern was due to previous guilt or a conspiracy later.

I always feel that as long as someone is a little more attentive, she will feel uneasy and guarded, and want to stay away from him.

Or maybe it was her own suspicion.

After sitting on the bed for a while, she went into the bathroom and wiped her wound.

She promised Yu Shaofan to take care of herself.

Half an hour later, she applied the ointment and went to bed.

She was obviously very tired when tidying up the room in the afternoon, but when she got to bed~ when she was really resting, she didn't feel sleepy at all.

She doesn't know what's wrong with herself, it's only been one day, but her whole world has changed.

Whether she is busy or resting, she can't help but see Yan Yifeng's figure, and she seems to be wondering what he is doing.

In the past, she never carried a mobile phone with her, but today, she deliberately brought it with her, fearing that she might miss Yan Yifeng's message or phone number...

This feeling is so strange, even though I have restrained myself, I still can't help but want to act.


Just when she was getting annoyed, the phone on the bedside suddenly rang.

Jie Yiyi made a move, and when she heard the phone ringing, her heart actually skipped a little bit, as if she was delighted, but at the same time seemed to be looking forward to it.

It took a few seconds before she reached out to answer the phone.

"Yiyi, are you asleep?" Unexpectedly, Yu Shaofan's gentle voice came from the phone.

Hearing Yu Shaofan's voice, the joy in my heart seemed to fade a lot.

"not yet, what about you?"

She used this mobile phone when she stole the secrets, so it's not surprising that Yu Shaofan knew her number.

"I'm lying on the bed~, there is still your breath here."

He vaguely remembered the feeling of lying here last night, holding her to sleep, it was very delicate!
However, he remembered her sentence again, 'Yan Yifeng, have you changed your perfume? '

And what the doctor told him this morning, thinking that she was pregnant with Yan Yifeng's child, he felt a little unhappy.

Even extremely jealous.

But now, as long as he listened to her voice, his mood seemed to improve a little.

"..." Jie Yiyi didn't know how to respond to his words.

Last night, she slept on his bed~, but he slept on the sofa. Thinking about it, I really felt a little guilty.

"Asleep? Yiyi."

After being silent for a while without her responding, Yu Shaofan spoke again.

"not yet."

"Why don't you talk? I was joking with you just now."

Yu Shaofan knew that she must be shy if she didn't speak, and thinking of her blushing, he couldn't help showing a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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