Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 227 Who Said I Want To Pick Her Up?

Chapter 227 Who Said I Want To Pick Her Back?

Mama Feng didn't expect Yan Yifeng to have such a big reaction, she was kicked and fell to the ground.

Afraid that Yan Yifeng would misunderstand her, she hurriedly said, "I didn't think much about it at the time, I showed this manuscript to Miss Jie, and I just hoped that she wouldn't always misunderstand your intentions."

Yan Yi clenched his fists angrily, but didn't say much.


Since this manuscript is in her hands, why didn't she tell him when he was looking for it in the office that day?
Thinking of her hesitation that day, what was she thinking?Is it because he is afraid that he will ask her to return this manuscript?
But knowing that the manuscript was not lost, my heart calmed down a lot.

Mama Feng got up from the ground and pushed the food in the dining car to him, "Mr. Yan, I won't make my own decisions next time. Calm down and eat dinner first."

Although his face was stinky, Yan Yifeng responded, turned around and entered the room, took out the ointment from his medicine box, and threw it to her, "Go back and rub the bruise."

Mama Feng was a little embarrassed, and returned the medicine, "Mr. Yan, it's okay."

Yan Yifeng didn't take it back, but looked at her with disgust, "Troublesome!"

He pushed the dining car into the room and was about to close the door, but when he saw a room full of garbage, he turned his head again, "Someone will come in and clean up the room later."

Seeing that Yan Yifeng was finally willing to eat, the heavy stone that was pressing on Mama Feng's heart could finally be put down lightly, "Okay, Mr. Yan."

However, Mr. Yan, do you want to pick up Miss Jie?
"Mr. Yan..." Thinking of this, she stopped her again.

"What else?"

"That... When you go to pick up the manuscript with Miss Jie, buy a bouquet of flowers for Miss Jie, and apologize to her, and Miss Jie will come back with you."

Even though she knew she would be scolded, Mama Feng couldn't help but speak up.

Feng's mother's words made Yan Yifeng's face darken, "It's troublesome! Who said I want to pick her up?!"

Yan Yifeng is not that humble!

Mama Feng wanted to say something else, but Yan Yifeng had already closed the door coldly.

Her words were blocked outside the door.

Mama Feng patted her head and couldn't help sighing, the plan just now didn't seem to work! !

Mr. Yan didn't intend to ask Ms. Jie to return the manuscript.

I thought that telling him about this would make him happy, but unexpectedly, he lost his temper so much.

What on earth is he thinking about?Is he afraid that Miss Jie will know that he likes her?

Alas, no one can understand Mr. Yan's world!


Yan Yifeng sat on the sofa, holding a glass of red wine in his hand, drinking with a heavy expression.

Because of that manuscript, he recalled that morning, when he was looking for her angrily...

At that time, she had just come back from the outside, he asked her where she had been, she said, go outside to breathe fresh air.

He believed it to be true. It turned out that she had received the manuscript from Feng Ma that day, so she said that she wanted to make him breakfast?
Didn't she treat him well because she did something sorry for him?But because of seeing that manuscript?
Why would she want to keep that manuscript?

Just because he designed it himself?

Because she knew that day that he would definitely not find the manuscript when he went back, so she didn't clamor to go home with him?
If Mama Feng hadn't told him, would she have planned to hide that manuscript for the rest of her life?

Hold! !What stupid things did Yan Yifeng do?Set off fireworks for her again, and design the manuscript for her?
(End of this chapter)

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