Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 240 Where Are You Taking Me?

Chapter 240 Where Are You Taking Me?
Jie Yiyi's face was stiff, and she didn't reply to him, but her heart was slightly relieved, fortunately, he didn't notice.

There was a sudden silence in the car, Yan Yifeng looked at her while she lowered her head.

He didn't speak, and she didn't speak.

Damn it!Is he going to talk about the manuscript?
Is it really necessary to buy a bouquet of flowers to apologize to her as Feng Ma said, and then take her home?

Will this dead woman come back with him?
In the past, no matter what he did, he was full of confidence without hesitation, but now, he was actually afraid of failure!

He was afraid of being rejected by her!

Damn it! !Every rejection from her would tear his self-esteem apart.

Five minutes later, he said in a heavy tone, "Jie Yiyi!"

He didn't forget about the old man's birthday the day after tomorrow.

"Huh?" Jie Yiyi looked up at him.

I don't know why, when she thinks of Yan Yifeng's passionate kiss just now, her heart beats faster and her face turns red.

It's a strange feeling, as if they are sitting in the same car now, and she will feel very uncomfortable when he looks at her...

I don't know what's wrong with me?Never felt this way before.

"It's the old man's birthday the day after tomorrow, and I'm going back to Europe tomorrow!" He said coldly.

Jie Yiyi's eyes became clearer, did he report to her?Or do you want her to go back with him?
That morning, she refused with various reasons, but Yan Yifeng insisted that she go back with him, and finally, she agreed.

But now, she didn't understand why Yan Yifeng told her this, and she didn't dare to be affectionate.

He had driven her away, and their relationship was no longer what it used to be.

After a long silence, Jie Yiyi responded, "Oh."

In addition to responding like this, she didn't know what else she could say?
Yan Yifeng's face that had just recovered immediately darkened again, and he stared at her, really wanting to swear at her.

Damn woman, are you pretending to be confused or are you really confused?
He made everything clear, but she only responded to him with the word "Oh."

Does she want to die? !

If it was normal, he would definitely give her a hard time, but I don't know why, now, he clearly has something to say, but he can't say it!


After staring at her for a long time, the phrase "you accompany me back" was still submerged in his throat.

Jie Yiyi had never seen such a big scene, and he was afraid that if he took her back, she would not be able to handle it, and would even be wronged.

The clenched fists relaxed, and he warned, "If you dare to be with Yu Shaofan in this week, come back, I will not let you go easily!"

His words puzzled her, "Didn't you..." drive me away?

Seeing his angry eyes, she suppressed her words and bit her lips, not daring to provoke him.

The deed of sale signed by father is still in his hands, only he has not destroyed it, what she said and objected to is invalid.

"Jie Yiyi, don't question my words, I, Yan Yifeng, keep my word! If you dare to provoke me, try it?!"

If I don't see her for a week, what kind of torment will it be at night?
What is the damn mouth trying to brag about?He just couldn't say that sentence, you accompany me back! !
Distraughtly punching the steering wheel, Yan Yifeng started the car, Jie Yiyi looked at him, "Yan Yifeng, where are you taking me?"

Yan Yifeng ignored her, and saw her hair was soaked in sweat through the car mirror, he deliberately turned up the air conditioner while she was not paying attention.

(End of this chapter)

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