Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 252 Heartache Like A Knife, Tears Flow Like Blood

Chapter 252 Heartache Like A Knife, Tears Flow Like Blood

"Yan...Yi...Feng..." His excitement, his strength controlled her ability to speak, Jie Yiyi kicked her little feet, trying to struggle.

Yan Yifeng was out of control like a lunatic, he didn't want to listen to her nonsense at all.

But, how could Yan Yifeng know that what he said made Jie Yiyi's heart hurt like a knife, and tears flowed like blood.

She was as innocent as him, she had no idea that there was a little life in her stomach.

Yan Yifeng's appearance was too frightening, and the nurse was afraid that if he continued like this, he would get sick, so he hurried forward to stop Yan Yifeng.

"Sir, you can't do this!!! If you do this, you will kill her. She has just had an abortion and is very weak. She can't stand your torture at all. Let her go first..."

Yan Yifeng ignored her words, and gave her a dangerous warning look, "Get lost!"

Today is her first day at work, and she doesn't want to cause three deaths because of one child.

Suddenly caught Jie Yiyi whose face was pale to blue, she screamed, "Sir, let go of your wife, she is almost out of breath, if this continues, she will die!"

Seeing that Yan Yifeng still didn't intend to let go, the nurse advised again, "Since you care about her, you shouldn't treat her in such a cruel way, otherwise, if she dies, you will definitely regret it!"

"Besides, after this lady woke up, she was very emotional! She seems to like this child very much, and she doesn't intend to get rid of it."

"She seems to have something to say, should you listen to her explanation?"

Her words were like a sharp knife piercing his heart. She was right. If she died, he would definitely regret it!
He was reluctant to hurt her, every tear of hers, every painful expression, would turn into a blade and stab his heart severely.

She tears, he bleeds, she hurts, he hurts more.

At this moment, he woke up from the loss of control. Seeing her with tears all over her face, all the strength in his whole body seemed to be drained. After releasing her, his whole body limp against the wall.

Seeing Yan Yifeng let go of her, the nurse breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly connected her to the oxygen mask.

If it was normal, Jie Yiyi would definitely not be able to bear this torture, nor would she want to, she would lie down quietly and let herself die...

But at the moment when she was about to suffocate, she told herself that she couldn't die no matter what. She still had things to understand and she hadn't finished talking.

When the oxygen mask was injected, Jie Yiyi did not fall asleep because of the support of breathing, but exhausted all her strength, turned sideways, and looked at Yan Yifeng.

The tears rolling in her eyes couldn't help falling, like rain, ticking non-stop, she shook her head at him, her lips trembling, and wanted to speak, but she didn't have the extra strength.

At this time, there was a heavy rain outside, Yan Yifeng turned his back, not looking at her, watching the rain dripping outside the window, he endured the pain, his eyes were red.

In this life, he never really cared about anyone, and the women who can stay by his side are all for the convenience of his bed~war.

He used to disdain women to bear children for him, because he hated, annoying, crying children.

He only wants to work hard in his career, which is not uncommon. He even satirizes those families of three who live an ordinary life and show off their happiness.

But since he met Jie Yiyi, from the moment she took the contraceptive pill, he began to re-plan his future.

(End of this chapter)

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