Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 254 Who took away her child?

Chapter 254 Who took away her child?
Because Jie Yiyi's body was still very weak after the operation, she was infused with fluid throughout the night without stopping.

Yan Yifeng hadn't closed his eyes since last night. He had to deal with business yesterday, but this night, he stayed by her bedside, waiting for the drip in the bottle to run out, and then replaced her with another bottle.

Repeatedly, at night, he dared not even drink his saliva, for fear of waking her up.

His chest was pressed up, and he was irritable. He wanted to smoke a cigarette, but he was afraid that it would smoke her.

He held back everything he wanted to do, and in the end, he only held her hand tightly, waiting for her to wake up.

After one night, yesterday was cloudy and today is sunny again.

From yesterday to now, Jie Yiyi has been wearing an oxygen mask, unable to breathe fresh air, and she feels chest pains one after another.

The pain in her whole body was unbearable, but she was awake. Looking at the ceiling, she pulled a little strength from her body and took off the oxygen mask.

She sucked in the fresh air greedily, but what burst into her nose was the smell of disinfectant one after another, which made her extremely uncomfortable.

With her head in a daze for a while, she turned her eyes and looked at the environment here.

Seeing the drip on her hand, she realized that this is a hospital, but why is she in the hospital?

She closed her eyes and opened them again, her mind was very messy, but she vaguely had the memory of last night.

The doctor said that she had had an abortion and could not get out of bed. Yan Yifeng strangled her neck and called her a cruel woman.

Thinking back to this, her hand moved up her stomach uncontrollably, the child... Her child is gone?
Who is it?Take away her baby?

A shattered memory flashed from my mind.

"You can't keep this child. Go to the hospital and have it done. I'll help you pay for the abortion!"

"Don't bother me, get in the car, if you are pregnant, just go to the hospital for an examination! If you are really pregnant, no matter what method you use, I will make you abort!"

Ai Shishi's words made her chest tighten suddenly, is it her?

Yesterday the doctor said that her friend said she didn't want a child, so she removed it for her?

The woman I saw yesterday when I came out of the bathroom was Ai Shishi?
She followed her to the hospital, and while she was undergoing an examination, she used the name of a friend to persuade the doctor to take away her child?

As a star, Ai Shishi, how could she have such a vicious heart?
The child is hers?Why should she decide for her?
Yan Yifeng didn't know the situation at all. Yesterday she just came to the hospital to check the results. The child was gone, but he thought that she came to the hospital to get rid of the child!

Heart throbbing hard.

She dialed off the drip hanging on her hand, lifted the quilt and was about to get out of bed, but the strength in her body couldn't support her weight at all, and she fell to the ground fiercely.

There was another stabbing pain in the abdomen~ Jie Yiyi supported the corner of the bed, gritted her teeth and got up.

She must find the doctor to ask clearly, what is going on with all this?

If Ai Shishi really touched her child, she must sue her. The last time she was almost raped, she hasn't found her yet!

She must sue her!

Just when she fell and got up again to leave, the door of the ward was suddenly pushed open, and a gust of cold wind hit her, making her tremble all over.

Yan Yifeng was holding a white bag in his hand, and stopped by the door, staring at her with cold and angry eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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