Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 263 It's ugly because of you!

Chapter 263 It's ugly because of you!

She was not trying to defend Yu Shaofan, but it was simply impossible.

Although at his house that day, the test result told her that it was just a stomach problem, but she chose to believe in Yu Shaofan and at the same time forgave the doctor.

After all, it was just taking the pulse, without further examination, and it is not impossible to ignore her pregnancy.

"Yan Yifeng, I have nothing against you hating Shaofan, but, can this matter not be involved in him, I believe he will not do so."

Yan Yifeng took a step closer to her, "Jie Yiyi! Do you think I'd make fun of the child?"

"I can exclude the whole world, but I can't exclude him. He is not as simple as you think!"

Yan Yifeng said coldly, since the incident last time, Yu Shaofan has become more than just a love rival to him!

"Yan Yifeng, you should put your mind on Ai Shishi, Shaofan, he is not as calculating as you!"

Yan Yifeng clasped her chin, "The bad people in life are often fake good people, they won't expose their true nature, you know?"

His words made Jie Yiyi sneer, "Are you talking about yourself?"

Ai Shishi warned her not to conceive Yan Yifeng's child, otherwise she would be aborted no matter what method was used.

Her reason is that she doesn't want her to marry into a wealthy family and occupy her position as Mrs. Yan. She is afraid that she will lose to her!

Yan Yifeng said that this matter has something to do with Shaofan?
What is Shaofan for?Just because she was pregnant with Yan Yifeng's child, so he wanted to hurt her?
That's even more impossible. For a long time, he would rather protect her with bruises all over his body!

"Jie Yiyi!" Yan Yifeng squeezed her shoulders tightly, warning her.

Jie Yiyi glared at him, then pushed his hand away, "Yan Yifeng, I don't want to quarrel with you!"

She knew that if the quarrel continued, it would be endless, who made the child, and after asking Ai Shishi about everything, there would be results.

"Huh!" Yan Yifeng snorted coldly, turned his face away, and clenched his fists. Damn woman, how dare she not believe him?

When he finds out Yu Shaofan's background, she will believe what he said!
Yan Yifeng stopped arguing, and Jie Yiyi didn't say anything more, took out the phone, played games, and passed the time.

"Jie Yiyi, turn off the sound of the game! It's too noisy!" Yan Yifeng turned his face to the side and stared at her with hatred.

Jie Yiyi ignored him and continued to play, Yan Yifeng snatched her mobile phone angrily, and forcibly exited the software.

"Yan Yifeng, it's none of your business if I play mine?" Jie Yiyi frowned displeasedly, and took his mobile phone.

Yan Yifeng's eyes changed from gloomy to angry. He slapped her hand off and stared at her angrily, "Jie Yiyi! Who asked you to change the wallpaper of the protective screen? Where are the photos I sent you?"

Damn woman, dare to change the wallpaper of their kiss?
"Deleted!" Jie Yiyi replied honestly, always felt that it was strange to use that as a protective screen, and they were not a couple.

Yan Yifeng was so angry that he almost threw the phone on her face, but when he thought of her illness, he endured it again and lowered his tone, "Who asked you to delete it?"

"I..." Jie Yiyi glanced at him, "I don't think it looks good, so I deleted it."

"It doesn't look good because of you!" Yan Yifeng stared at her in disgust, took out his mobile phone, resent the photo, and replaced it.

(End of this chapter)

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