Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 267 Give Me a Baby!

Chapter 267 Give Me a Baby!

Jie Yiyi played with his tie, "Yan Yifeng, when you are discharged from the hospital, I will accompany you back to Europe to accept the crime, and I will apologize to your father then."

As long as she takes the responsibility on her, Yan Yifeng will be punished less.

Her words made Yan Yifeng who had closed his eyes open suddenly, and he looked at her in surprise, "Jie Yiyi!"

"I know today is your father's birthday. You didn't return to Europe because I was hospitalized. I heard Bo An's tone in the morning, and I was a little anxious. I thought, your father's [-]th birthday, if you didn't go back, he must be very angry!"

Jie Yiyi spoke.

Yan Yifeng's cold face suddenly improved a lot. He raised his hand and stroked the hair hanging on her cheek, "You didn't fall asleep this morning?"

Jie Yiyi originally wanted to nod, but when she thought that she was awakened by a kiss, she shook her head again, "I heard it in my sleep."

"Heh!" Yan Yifeng sneered, "So you're pretending to be asleep?" He said with a mocking expression.

I didn't expect this woman to learn to pretend to be asleep. Damn it, she pretends so much!

Jie Yiyi shook her head guiltily, "I didn't."

"You still say no? Jie Yiyi, you are just pretending to sleep!" Yan Yifeng insisted.

Knowing that Yan Yifeng was changing the subject again, Jie Yiyi glared at him and returned to the topic, "Yan Yifeng, your father must be a very strict person, right?"

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so afraid of him. After all, he is a figure at the presidential level, and strictness is necessary.

Lai Yifeng stared at her, not wanting to talk about him, "This has nothing to do with you!"

Yes, it doesn't matter, she just wants to know what will happen to him if he doesn't return to Europe?
She didn't want to care about his family affairs, but, after all, it was because of her that he delayed the plane and the dinner. If Yan Yifeng was severely punished, she would not feel well.

"Yan Yifeng..."

He knew what Jie Yiyi wanted to ask, so he covered her mouth with his hand, "Shut up!"

Then he stared at him with cold eyes, "Don't ask nonsense! You just need to know that I won't let you get hurt!"

Jie Yiyi's words were drowned in her throat, she just wanted to sincerely say sorry to him.

But after thinking about it, he finally nodded, "Yeah."

Only then did Yan Yifeng let go of her mouth, and pulled her into his arms. He touched her belly with his hand, "Jie Yiyi, give me a baby!" He said suddenly.

Jie Yiyi's heart was beating lightly, as if she had heard some sweet words. A few seconds later, she raised her head in doubt, "Didn't you say that I should never get pregnant with your child?"

This is what he said this morning.

Yan Yifeng's face turned dark, damn woman, she must remember so clearly.

"Whispering! Let you give birth, you will give birth!" Yan Yifeng said coldly.

Jie Yiyi looked at him, touched her stomach again, thinking that there was a life here, she still couldn't help but feel pain in her heart.

The woman who wanted to have a child for Yan Yifeng moved from city S to city L, and the woman who wanted to stay by his side was the same. She was afraid that what happened yesterday would happen again.

Her body couldn't bear such a toss, and the loss of her child was the biggest regret in her life.

"Yan Yifeng, I don't want to joke about the child's life anymore. If you hadn't thrown away the box of contraceptive pills last time, maybe there would not have been a child, and it would not have caused us so much harm and pain. "

(End of this chapter)

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