Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 28 I rejected you just now 5

Chapter 28 I rejected you just now 5
Besides, if she hadn't angered him by trapping him in the bathroom last night, would he have treated her like that?She still has the nerve to lose her temper with him?

He turned down a business worth several hundred million yuan and came back to accompany her, but she treated him with this attitude?

Yan Yifeng, you shouldn't fucking care about her, just let her die!

Seeing that the situation was not good, Mama Feng hurriedly stepped forward to advise, "Mr. Yan, just because of Miss Jie's illness..."

"Shut up the fuck!" Yan Yifeng indifferently pushed her away and turned to leave.

Jie Yiyi couldn't help but shed tears when she was hit by Yan Yifeng's bed~ slave. He never considered other people's feelings, and she never had self-esteem in front of him.

"Yan Yifeng, I am human, not a doll at your mercy. I have my self-esteem, I have my temper, have you considered others? What if your most beloved woman is tortured by other men like this? Would you What is it like?"

Jie Yiyi roared at his back.

A man like him is not worthy of a lover!

With a sharp stab in his heart, Yan Yifeng's footsteps stopped suddenly.

Damn woman!
What kind of metaphor is this?
Jie Yiyi was sobbing, since his appearance, her life has not been easy.

She has lost the person she loves the most, how much will God have to lose before she is willing to let her go?

"Damn woman, I'm not forcing you, you asked for all this, understand?"

Yan Yifeng turned his head with a dark face, exuding a cold breath, like an angry jackal, as if it would tear people to pieces at any time.

His appearance was hideous and frightening, Mama Feng was caught off guard, if this continues, people might die.

Mother Feng knows what kind of character Yan Yifeng is like, and anyone who dares to provoke him will not end well.

Jie Yiyi looked at him coldly, as if she wanted to speak but didn't dare to speak, only holding back tears in her eyes.

Those jewel-like eyes are so clear that it breaks your heart.

Yan Yifeng's clenched fist suddenly loosened, what kind of eyes are she looking at?Wronged?

Damn it, to her!He is always restless.

"Jie Yiyi, you shouldn't provoke me!" Yan Yifeng said coldly, and aggressively picked up the black-bone chicken soup prepared by the servant at the side.

Mama Feng knew that something serious was about to happen, so she hurried forward to stop it, "Mr. Yan must not do it, it will kill people if you drop it like this. Miss Jie, I beg you, please apologize to Mr. Yan?"

Hearing this, Yan Yifeng gave Feng Ma a hard look, raised his head and poured all the soup into his mouth, threw the bowl into the dining car, and walked towards Jie Yiyi with icy steps.

Seeing this situation, Jie Yiyi hurriedly pulled the quilt to cover her body, what did he think?Want to rape her fiercely like last night?

He wanted to rape her in front of so many servants?

"Yan Yifeng, you bastard, if you dare to touch me, I'll be with you...uh, uh."

Before she finished speaking, Jie Yiyi's vision went dark, her chin was tightly pinched, and the cold breath pressed her in. Yan Yifeng lowered his head, held her lips, and poured the soup from his mouth into her mouth. mouth...

Jie Yiyi was frightened by his actions...

what is he doing

He actually poured the soup in his mouth into her mouth...

"Uh, don't." Jie Yiyi dodged, refusing to swallow, Yan Yifeng tightly surrounded her, not letting her move.

"Swallow it." Yan Yifeng pressed her gently under him and ordered her.

The warm soup flows into the mouth, it is obviously bitter, but for some reason, there is a hint of sweetness, and there is another inexplicable warmth flowing in the heart.

(End of this chapter)

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