Chapter 282 What If You Fall In The Bathroom
Jie Yiyi leaned on the wall and was about to walk out of the bathroom. Yan Yifeng grabbed her shoulders and explained coldly, "Jie Yiyi! I'm not kidding you, I'm caring about you, don't you understand?"

"You don't let me stay here, what if you fall in the bathroom?!"

Jie Yiyi looked back at him, with a trace of concern in Yan Yifeng's cold eyes.

Letting her go to the operating table alone was already the greatest guilt in his heart. If she was hurt even more, his heart would be even more painful!
"You fucking insist on taking my good intentions as the malice in your heart. I, Yan Yifeng, are really that bad in your eyes? Huh?" He growled.

Before he explained, Jie Yiyi really thought so, but... Looking back, maybe Yan Yifeng really cared about this domineering situation!

Jie Yiyi stopped in her tracks, took a step forward, wrapped her arms around his waist, and said apologetically, "I misunderstood you!"

Yan Yifeng looked at her with a dark face, without giving her any response.

Pressing against his chest, Jie Yiyi heard his strong heartbeat again, and the aura emanating from him can always give people a feeling of intoxication.

After staying in his arms for a while, Jie Yiyi raised her eyes and looked at him, "Yan Yifeng, me wash it!"

Yan Yifeng's eyes probed deeply, looked at her for a few seconds, but pushed her away coldly, "I'm not in the mood!"

He dropped this sentence, walked out of the bathroom, and slammed the door.

That loud noise made Jie Yiyi's heart tremble in shock!

Yan Yifeng's leaving back just now made her heart beat hard, Jie Yiyi clutched her chest, feeling sour in her heart.

She didn't mean to think him so bad, she was just afraid that if she changed her opinion of him, her whole heart would be shaken and she couldn't help but sink into his world...

After staring in front of the mirror for a while, Jie Yiyi took off her clothes, turned on the shower, and carefully pointed at her body.

Yan Yifeng stood at the door of the bathroom, clenched his fists, listening to the rushing water in the bathroom.

All sorts of things appeared in his mind, he was afraid that she would slip and fall to the ground like that day.

Worried about whether the water will be too cold, she will catch a cold!
Worry about the water that has not been sterilized, she will get infected!
Various worries floated up in his heart, he stood at the door for almost an hour, until he heard the sound of water inside stopped, then he quickly lifted the quilt and lay down.

Jie Yiyi got dressed and came out of the bathroom, holding a hair dryer in her hand.

She thought that Yan Yifeng would turn around when he heard her movement, but...he seemed to be asleep.

Afraid that the sound would wake her up, Jie Yiyi turned down the sound a little more, and dried her hair after blowing for about half an hour.

Yan Yifeng held back the desire to turn around, and after a while, Jie Yiyi went to bed, she sat on the bed and stared at Yan Yifeng's back for a while, seeing that he hadn't covered the quilt properly, she shook the quilt for him.

Yan Yifeng couldn't help opening his slightly closed eyes, she was afraid that he would catch a cold?Cover him with a quilt?
I don't know if it's an illusion or not?He could vaguely sense that Jie Yiyi cared for him...

After half lying down for a while, Jie Yiyi turned off the light and lay down. She turned sideways, facing Yan Yifeng's back, and put her hands on his waist.

The waist was warmed by small hands. At this moment, Yan Yifeng felt that he couldn't bear it. Without her breath in his arms, even if he fell asleep, he couldn't feel at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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