Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 284 Who told you to refuse to say you love me?

Chapter 284 Who told you to refuse to say you love me?

Yan Yifeng ignored her and continued to wander on her body, Jie Yiyi frowned even tighter, "Yan Yifeng, let me go, it hurts..."

Her painful voice came, Yan Yifeng let her go, reached out to turn on the desk lamp, stared at her little face and asked, "What's wrong?"

Jie Yiyi's face wrinkled into a small bun, she clutched her stomach, "You...you hurt me just now!"

"Where does it hurt? I'll call the doctor." Yan Yifeng observed her body, seeing her in pain, he got out of bed and was about to leave.

Jie Yiyi smiled happily from the bottom of her heart, but she was still in pain on the surface, "No, it's so late, it will disturb them, just press on the painful part of the stomach, lie down for a while and it will be fine."

The footsteps of Yan Yifeng's departure returned, and he looked at her, "How much pain does it have? Don't hold back when it hurts!"

Jie Yiyi held his hand, not letting him leave, she whispered, "If you don't hold me down, it will be better."

Yan Yifeng's eyes deepened, and he didn't insist on calling for a doctor. He knew exactly what tricks this little woman was playing.

Lifting the quilt and getting on the bed, Jie Yiyi deliberately kept a distance from Yan Yifeng.

Yan Yifeng curled his lips slightly, put his hand on her lower abdomen, and said softly, "I don't hold you down, do you feel better?"

"En." Jie Yiyi nodded obediently.

A few minutes later, Yan Yifeng's hand was moving up restlessly, Jie Yiyi quickly stopped him, "Yan Yifeng, I'm tired."

Yan Yifeng kissed her hair, and said lightly, "I'll touch mine, you sleep with yours!"

"..." She is a patient now, so he can't restrain himself a little?
He said he cared about her, but now he still wants to hit her with crooked ideas?
"Yan Yifeng..." Jie Yiyi said angrily, Yan Yifeng supported his head with one hand, squinted his eyes, very comfortable, "I am here!"

"Can you take your hands away, I really want to sleep!"

Yan Yifeng raised his wrist and looked at his watch. It is now ten thirty, "Sleep when you are tired!"

"Your hand..." Jie Yiyi pushed him away, and Yan Yifeng's big palm covered her plump body, "You don't say nice things to please me, so I can only ask for satisfaction from your upper body."

"You still want to trick me with your little thought?" Yan Yifeng raised his eyebrows.

"You..." So he knew she was faking it, Jie Yiyi punched him in the chest, "Yan Yifeng, you pervert, you don't even let a patient go?"

After yelling, Jie Yiyi felt that she felt better, so she closed her eyes, but the claws on her body didn't stop for a moment, and she almost groaned after doing it several times...

Originally, Yan Yifeng just wanted to punish her, but the two of them caught fire but couldn't touch each other. They tortured each other all night, and finally got up the next day with dark circles under their eyes.

When Yan Yifeng woke up to take a shower, seeing Jie Yiyi's slightly swollen eye sockets, he laughed, "Little panda."

Jie Yiyi raised her fist and was about to smash it, but Mama Feng was still watching outside, so she endured it again, "It's all because of you."

She dragged her into the water when she was in heat. Fortunately, she slept through yesterday afternoon, otherwise, she would definitely not be able to get up today.

Yan Yifeng raised his eyebrows, "Who told you to refuse to say you love me? You deserve it!"

Jie Yiyi lowered her head, ignored him, brushed her teeth, even if she said it, it would be a lie, does he like it so much when others lie to him?

After breakfast, Yan Yifeng ordered Bo An to find a wheelchair and prepare to take her outside for a walk.

(End of this chapter)

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