Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 299 Where Is Your Love?

Chapter 299 Where Is Your Love?

Her words caused a flash of surprise in Yan Yifeng's eyes, followed by a stabbing pain in his chest...

When the book fell, he could obviously catch it, but he didn't, and let her vent. He looked at the ground, and a manuscript floated down and landed on the ground.

She went back to Jie's house... just to get this manuscript?
He was absent-minded, and after a few seconds, he raised his head, looked at her and said, "Jie Yiyi, I admit, I had this idea before, but because of you, I changed my original plan..."

"As long as you obediently follow me back to Yan's house now, I can let go of everything, let go of the hatred between us, go over and start again, and I am willing to reconcile with you!"

Yan Yifeng looked at her with a firm tone.

Because of him, she was targeted and raped by Ai Shishi, and because of him, she was forcibly aborted. He said that he would give her an explanation!
And this confession means that he is willing to let go of his previous enmity and hatred, and come to reconcile with her!
He no longer denied it, he admitted that he fell in love with her!

Yan Yifeng's opening made Jie Yiyi take a few steps back timidly, recalling what Yan Yifeng did in the past, believing him...is it still possible?

She shook her head, "Yan Yifeng, put away your hypocrisy and let me go!"

"Because of you, I was deceived by them for ten years, because of you, I have no marriage, no happiness, because of you... I also lost a child..."

She choked up, "If my pain can bring you infinite pleasure of revenge, then you have succeeded in revenge! I want to tell you that you have not waited in vain for more than ten years, you really succeeded! "

She didn't forget what Yan Yifeng said to her on the photo wall on the day of Yan Yifeng's mother's death... Everything he did was for revenge!

"Jie Yiyi!" Yan Yifeng took a step forward with a gloomy face, "Where did you hear these words? I said..."

"It doesn't matter who said it, the important thing is that you are all liars..." Jie Yiyi interrupted him coldly.

"Jie Yiyi, listen to my explanation, I don't want to take revenge on you now, I just want to keep you by my side, do you understand?"

Yan Yifeng stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms, Jie Yiyi retreated from his arms and covered her ears, "What explanation, I don't want to listen! Why don't you let me stay by your side because it's convenient to torture me?"

Because of her innocence, she almost... fell in love with him just because of his kindness to her.

"No...Jie Yiyi, you got it wrong! I keep you by my side, not for torture, but for love! I can't fucking live without you, I'm fucking in love with you, do you understand?"

He has always doubted his vision, has always wondered whether he has been shot in the head, but the fact is that he is willing to give up the whole forest for her.

Just like he would trade a watch for worthless fish feed.

In the eyes of others, he has always been arrogant and domineering, but in front of her, he really couldn't be more humble...

His words, I'm in love with you, made Jie Yiyi unable to hold back her heartbeat again, but just because her heartbeat didn't mean she was willing to believe that her heart had already been icy cold after being continuously deceived, no matter how hot the words of love were, she couldn't hold back her heart. It's not hot anymore.

Jie Yiyi sneered, "I understand! But Yan Yifeng, I want to know, where is your love?"

(End of this chapter)

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