Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 310 Minding Others Kissing Her

Chapter 310 Minding Others Kissing Her
Seeing Jie Yiyi's situation, Yu Shaofan quickly put down the chopsticks in his hand, patted her on the back and said, "Yiyi, eat slowly!"

"Cough——" Jie Yiyi coughed so badly that her eyes were red. Yu Shaofan felt distressed when he saw her. If it wasn't for Lin Xi's presence, he would definitely hold her in his arms and hug her tightly.

After coughing for an unknown amount of time, Jie Yiyi's throat felt comfortable, and Yu Shaofan handed her a glass of boiled water to rinse her mouth.

She took the profile and looked at Lin Xi with regret, "I'm sorry, it affected you."

Lin Xi shook his head as if it didn't matter, "It's okay, drink more soup, Shaofan ordered these to be boiled."

Yu Shaofan knew that she had had an abortion, so he specially posted a formula on the Internet to make Lin Xi suffer.

Jie Yiyi took the soup from Lin Xi and drank it cautiously.

Looking at those dishes, she lost her appetite and felt that everything she ate was particularly tasteless.

However, she didn't dare to disappoint, and insisted on finishing the bowl of rice and vegetables.

After the meal, Jie Yiyi helped Lin Xi clean up the dishes, Yu Shaofan stopped her, "Yiyi, let Lin Xi do the work, you go take a shower first."

During the meal just now, she affected everyone's appetite and wasted a table of good food. Now that she is full and doesn't help with something, she will feel very sorry.

"It's okay, Shaofan, I can go later."

"Yiyi, you just finished falling..." Lin Xi said halfway, and noticed Yu Shaofan's cold face, she quickly closed her mouth, "Yiyi, there are not many bowls, I can do it alone."

Lin Xi knew about her abortion?Shaofan... tell her everything?

Now that Lin Xi has already spoken, she doesn't want to struggle with the cleaning work any longer, "Okay."

Yu Shaofan gave her a gentle smile, then took her hand and walked upstairs. He filled the water for her, tested the temperature, and then said, "Yiyi, I have tested the water temperature, go in and take a bath."

"Okay." To be honest, she was indeed tired today.

Taking a bath may improve my mood and my mind will not be so messy.

After taking the clothes Yu Shaofan gave her, Jie Yiyi was about to go in. Yu Shaofan grabbed her and wrapped her around her waist from behind. He buried his head in Jie Yiyi's head, "Yiyi...in a few days, I will take you leave here."

leave here?

The warm room was held tightly by Yu Shaofan, Jie Yiyi pushed him, "Shaofan..."

Jie Yiyi was turned over by Yu Shaofan, he pushed her against the wall, put his hands on her face, and kissed her.

One night, she rejected him so many times in a row, which deeply aroused the emotions he had suppressed in the past few months. When eating, he wanted to hug her and kiss her...

Yu Shaofan's lips have a light fragrance that belongs to him. He is not domineering, even gentle and melts people's hearts, but she... as long as she remembers that she and Yan Yifeng kissed, she will mind... mind others kissing her.

"Hmm... Shaofan..." She either hated him, or was not used to him, she pushed him away, Yu Shaofan backed away from her lips, and hugged her into his arms, "Yiyi, I want to take you away!"

His tone was firm.

She also wants to leave, wants to leave here, go to a place where no one knows her, and start her life again...

But... She can't leave now... She also has a father who is locked in prison, and he is going to have his [-]th birthday soon, and she wants to celebrate his birthday with him...

(End of this chapter)

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