Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 320 Do You Still Dare To Teach Me?

Chapter 320 Do You Still Dare To Teach Me?

As soon as he walked through the door, a black car stopped at the door.

Seeing the car, Jie Yiyi couldn't help taking a step back, the driver got out of the car and greeted a woman.

Jie Yiyi thought it was Yan Yifeng who sent someone, but she didn't expect it to be Aunt Yu.

With a bag in her hand, she walked towards Yu Shaofan.

Maybe it was because I didn't see Jie Yiyi at first, she had a few smiles on her face, and she exuded the temperament of a noble lady, "Shaofan, Lin Xi, Mom is here to see you."

She mistakenly thought that Jie Yiyi was Lin Xi, but when she looked closer, she realized that it was Jie Yiyi. Her smile disappeared, she stared at Jie Yiyi, and said coldly, "How could it be you, a vixen?"

Because she and Shaofan proposed to divorce, and they kissed Yan Yifeng passionately at Shaofan's engagement banquet, Aunt Yu was particularly concerned and hated her.

Jie Yiyi looked at her, wondering if he should call her or not, although her words made her feel very uncomfortable, but she was Shaofan's mother after all.

"Uncle Yu..." Jie Yiyi was about to explain, but Yu Shaofan had already said, "Mom, how can you scold Yiyi?"

Yu's mother knew that Yu Shaofan was going to protect Jie Yiyi again, so she said very displeasedly, "When did I scold her? That's her nature, she came here to seduce Shaofan even when she has men?"

"Do you really want to lose face?"

"..." Jie Yiyi just looked at her without opening her mouth.

"Mom... Yiyi was called by me!" Her words made Yu Shaofan's voice a little cold.

"Shaofan, you have a fiancée, how can you bring her back? Aren't you worried that Lin Xi will be jealous?"

Yu Shaofan put his arms around Jie Yiyi's shoulders naturally, his face turned dark, "This is my business, you don't need to worry about it."

"I have to leave first." He was about to leave with Jie Yiyi, Yu's mother hurriedly grabbed him, "Shaofan...you left Lin Xi alone at home? Where are you going to take this vixen?"

Another verbal injury, Jie Yiyi pushed away Yu Shaofan's hand, turned around, "Aunt Yu, I tolerate you, it's because you are my elder, I respect you. As a lady, I think you should restrain yourself , Scolding me once is enough, you don’t have to talk about it all the time, I didn’t mean to refute you on purpose, I just want to remind you that it’s out of character.”

"Shaofan, don't send me off, I can go by myself."

"Yiyi..." Yu Shaofan held her hand and did not let her leave.

Yu's mother was upset by Jie Yiyi's words. Not only did she not restrain herself, but she even scolded her even more harshly, "You bloody vixen, it's fine to seduce my Shaofan, but you dare to teach me a lesson?"

"Shaofan, did you see that? This vixen is not as good as you imagined, she has shown her true colors."

When she was with Shaofan before, she objected and disliked her, and every time she scolded badly, she endured it, but today, she really didn't want to bear it, she smiled, "Yes, I am a vixen, but you My son is willing to be seduced by me."

Yu Shaofan tightened her waist, for some reason, when he heard her words, his heart was not so depressed, but a little satisfied.

"Shaofan, look at her...this kind of woman, why are you still pestering her? Hurry up..."

"Mom, you are enough!" Yu Shaofan interrupted her coldly, "Yiyi is right, you should restrain yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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