Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 326 Your Living Expenses

Chapter 326 Your Living Expenses
Thinking of this, Jie Yiyi opened the door without much thought, and said, "Shaofan, you are not..." Just halfway through her words, her words got stuck in her throat.

Because standing outside the door was a man she least wanted to see.

If she knew that he was here just now, even if he knocked on the door, she would not open it.

"What? I'm not Yu Shaofan, are you disappointed?" Jie Boliang put his hands in his pockets and said with a sarcastic smile on his face.

Jie Yiyi glared at him and was about to close the door, but Jie Boliang was one step ahead of her and entered the room.

Sitting on the sofa with a look that I am not polite.

Jie Yiyi frowned tightly, pointed to the door, "Jie Bailiang, get out!"

She wondered if this man had been following her?
Otherwise, how would he know about the new home she just moved today?
He must have come up after seeing Shaofan leave!
Jie Boliang sat cross-legged on the sofa, looking at her leisurely, "The new home is nice, I will visit you often in the future."


A trace of anger flashed across Jie Yiyi's face, what did he think of her?

Jie Yiyi stepped forward and pulled his clothes, "Jie Bailiang, I don't welcome you here, get out of here! Immediately, don't let me call the police and arrest you for breaking into houses."

"Brother's visit to his sister is considered breaking into a private house?" Jie Boliang shrugged needlessly, with his hands still in his pockets.

elder brother?Heh, as early as the moment Jie Zhengxin told the truth, she had completely denied her relationship with the Jie family.

Don't talk about relatives?She and him are not even a friend.

"Jie Bailiang, don't be disgusting, who is your sister? I repeat, if you don't go out again, I will call the police!!"

Not only did Jie Boliang not go out, but his face became gloomy. He took a newspaper and smashed it on her face, "You released the news about the attack on the Jie family in the newspaper?"

he asked.

Jie Yiyi turned her face away, not letting the newspaper hit her face, "I don't understand what you're talking about?"

"Heh!" Jie Boliang stood up from the sofa and took a step closer to her, "Stop pretending! Aren't you just trying to get revenge on the Jie family?"

His shoulder was clutched by her, and there was a sharp pain. Jie Yiyi frowned, snapped off his hand coldly, and snorted, "It doesn't feel good to me to take revenge on Jie's family in this way. If I retaliate, I will kill your entire family!"

Jie Yiyi roared angrily, hoping to scare him away with threats.

"Huh? It's only been a day since I've seen you. Are you getting more courageous?" Jie Boliang looked at her jokingly, and there was clearly a conspiracy in that look.

Suddenly, a cold knife was placed on his neck, and Jie Yiyi stared at him coldly, "Jie Bailiang, if you don't leave here, I will kill you!"

Jie Bailiang's eyes became a little deep, and a vague smile appeared on his lips, and he easily walked away from her knife point and looked at her, but he didn't tease her anymore, but took out a bag from his wallet. Folding the money and putting it on the coffee table, the voice was indifferent, "I will give you living expenses."

His actions made Jie Yiyi sluggish, what is he doing?Give her living expenses?Ah!
can she laughKnowing that she is now homeless and penniless, so want to use money to mock her?
Watching his leaving back, Jie Yiyi picked up the money on the coffee table and threw it at his back, "Take your stinky money out for me, I don't mind it!"

Jie Boliang's footsteps froze, but he left the room without turning his head.

(End of this chapter)

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