Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 339 I'm Responsible Now!

Chapter 339 I'm Responsible Now!
what happened?

She clearly remembered yesterday, but Yan Yifeng didn't follow him?How could he appear on her bed~?
And what made her even more unacceptable was that she was actually lying in his arms?
Did she remember wrongly?

But what happened last night, she remembers it clearly in her mind, how could she remember it wrong?
After Yan Yifeng got angry and left here, she had a phone call with him on the balcony.

She asked him to come up, but he asked her to coax him and please him before coming up?
After that, she closed the window, hid in bed and couldn't sleep, and even counted the sheep.

Damn it!Did he take the gun again and threaten the landlady to open the door for him?
But she obviously locked the door behind her!
Yan Yifeng easily snatched her pillow and pressed her down, "Jie Yiyi, you slept with me last night, now you are responsible for me!"

He was naked~ his upper body was exposed, and his strong chest constantly exuded a good smell, making people sink deeply.

Jie Yiyi seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world, she pushed him away, "Yan Yifeng, if you are sick, go to the doctor, don't come to me and go crazy!"

Lying on her bed~, how dare you ask her to be responsible?
Yan Yifeng held her little hand and pressed her heavily, "When you used my hand as a pillow and my chest as a quilt last night, why didn't you go to see a doctor?"

She writhed like a bug in his arms last night, which made him all angry. If it weren't for the fact that she had just had an abortion, he would let her sleep so comfortably?

"You..." Did she use his hand as a pillow last night?In her impression, she was brought into her arms, but she mistakenly thought that she had found the quilt, so she slept so peacefully.

Jie Yiyi stopped struggling, changed the subject, and asked coldly, "Who let you in? Get out!"

Yan Yifeng shrugged, and said with a face of reluctance, "Didn't you ask me to come up last night?"

"……"enough!Going on with him, sooner or later, she will become as neurotic as him.

All along, his face has been so thick, and he has never been surpassed...

Reaching into the bed, she touched her body to make sure that the clothes were still there, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he didn't touch her, otherwise, she would have killed him.

Seeing her staring at him in disgust, Yan Yifeng lowered his head and asked for a sweet kiss on his lips, "Jie Yiyi! My clothes are wet from the rain!!"

"Do you have men's clothes here?"

Turning her head to the balcony of the room, where his clothes were hanging, looking at the cloudy sky, she realized that it was raining last night.

Not wanting to argue too much with him, she pushed him away and got up from the bed, "No, if you don't mind, I can lend you a skirt."

Yan Yifeng's face darkened, let him wear a skirt?
This damned woman just wanted to see him make a fool of herself.

However, the absence of men's clothes in her home means that Yu Shaofan has never lived here...

At the corner of her mouth, a smile could not help but at this moment, Jie Yiyi had already got up from the bed~, and took out a set of skirts from the closet and threw them to him.

"Remember to return it to me after dry cleaning! If it is dirty or damaged, you will be compensated according to the price!"

Yan Yifeng looked at the broken floral dress, and he stared at her back, "I'm sorry!"

To be honest, she really wanted to see what kind of scene it would be for President Yan to wear a skirt, it must be ridiculous, right?
If it is photographed and sent to a magazine, it should be able to earn a lot of submission fees...

(End of this chapter)

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