Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 341 Why Are You So Nervous?

Chapter 341 Why Are You So Nervous?

Half an hour later, the clothes were completely dry, and Jie Yiyi walked into the room with his clothes in his arms.

At this time, Yan Yifeng had just come out of the bathroom, he was not wearing anything...

"Ah—" Another scream pierced his eardrum, Yan Yifeng frowned, and walked towards her, "What's wrong? What happened?"

When Jie Yiyi saw him, she ran away like a mouse seeing a cat. Yan Yifeng grabbed her shoulders, "Why are you running?"

Jie Yiyi turned her back to him, and she didn't turn around even if she was killed, because she saw something she shouldn't have seen...that size...scaring to death!

"Didn't you say that Obasan is watching you? How could you run out without clothes?"

Yan Yifeng glanced at the french windows and said that there was no one there, and said, "Didn't you take the clothes to dry?"

Jie Yiyi quietly replaced the clothes in his hands, "Even if this is the case, you should wrap it in a bath towel~ before you come out!"

He's not a model, who is he trying to scare by running out like this?
If those aunts on the opposite side saw her, they would think she was an indiscreet woman!
"It's just the two of us here, what's there to do?"

He straightened her body, looked down at her, and asked, "What are you afraid of?"

Jie Yiyi didn't answer his words, but said, "Put on your clothes quickly."

Yan Yifeng put a kiss on her lips and sneered, "It's not the first time I've seen it, why are you so nervous?"

"Besides, it's all in and out..."

"You..." Jie Yiyi's face was as red as a boiled shrimp, she pushed him away, becoming angry from embarrassment, "You are shameless!"

With that said, she quickly closed the door and left the room.

This exhibitionist has no sense of shame when his body is seen by others.

Could there be a more shameless and shameless man than Yan Yifeng in this world?

The answer is no.

Looking at the time on the phone, Jie Yiyi sighed softly, originally wanted to visit him in the prison earlier, but it was already ten o'clock.

However, what did Yan Yifeng mean last night by asking her to pick him up tomorrow?
Is he planning to release him?
never mind!Just don't have such high expectations.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment!

Anyway, she wasn't very hungry, so she casually fried two poached eggs, made a glass of milk, and just ate.

When Yan Yifeng came out, Jie Yiyi was already sitting on the dining table, wielding a knife and fork.

Yan Yifeng sat down very politely, seeing that the dining table was empty, he frowned, "Why are there only poached eggs?"

Jie Yiyi ignored him and continued to cut poached eggs, Yan Yifeng felt pain in his heart, he put down the knife and fork and broke the bottle to ask the end, "You moved here, do you eat this little breakfast every day?"

His tone was very cold, Jie Yiyi didn't hear any concern, she said meaninglessly, "If you don't like it, you don't have to eat it!"

"Pa——" Yan Yifeng threw the knife and fork on the ground, and he stared at her coldly, "Damn it! Once I'm not by your side, you don't know how to take good care of yourself, do you?"

"Eat one poached egg every day, it's no wonder you're not fucking skinny!"

"When you were discharged from the hospital, what did the doctor tell you? She told you not to eat greasy things for breakfast! You fucking don't listen. If something happens to your body in the future, who will take care of you when you are alone at home?"

"If you fucking want to leave me, you must first know how to take care of yourself to be eligible!"

She has a small appetite, how much can she eat?She also fried poached eggs in a hurry, how could she think so much?
(End of this chapter)

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