Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 343 The Fight Between Two Men 2

Chapter 343 The Fight Between Two Men 1
Yan Yifeng smiled thoughtfully, but didn't tease her anymore, because at this moment, the door was knocked.

Jie Yiyi came out of Yan Yifeng's arms, got up and went to open the door.

Yan Yifeng's eyes darkened a little, he followed behind her and circled her arms.

Jie Yiyi glared at him, then pushed his hand away, "Why are you so nervous?"

Yan Yifeng bowed his head and kissed her face, she ignored him and opened the door.

Out of politeness, although Jie Yiyi hated Yan Yifeng, she had a good impression of Bo An, so she smiled at him.

However, as soon as the door was pushed open, Jie Yiyi's smile froze on his face, it wasn't Bo An who knocked on the door...but Yu Shaofan.

He didn't wear a white suit today, but dark blue... In my impression, he rarely changes styles, but only on special days...

Last time in France, she saw him wear it once. Although it was not as bright as white, it was still very handsome.

The corner of his mouth was also filled with an elegant smile, but when he saw Yan Yifeng behind him, his... complexion was a little dark.

When his eyes fell on Jie Yiyi's waist, Yan Yifeng gave him a provocative look.

Yu Shaofan's possessiveness is not as strong as Yan Yifeng's, and he also respects Jie Yiyi, and he will not mess with Jie Yiyi until the matter is clarified.

He took the lead in breaking the embarrassment, changing his stiff smile to a natural one, "Yiyizao!"

She thought that Shaofan would call her before coming, but she didn't expect...

I don't know why, when Yu Shaofan saw such a scene, she felt a little guilty, and hurriedly pushed away Yan Yifeng's hand, but he refused to obey, but clasped it even tighter.

Jie Yiyi turned around and stared at him, "Yan Yifeng, be more respectful."

Yan Yifeng raised his eyebrows, "Why are you shy? We all slept together last night!"

"You..." Jie Yiyi stared at him in disgust, "Shut up!"

Does he have to say such blunt things in front of Yu Shaofan?

"Shaofan...I..." Jie Yiyi wanted to explain, but Yan Yifeng was here, and she didn't know where to start!

She was afraid that the more she explained, the worse it would be.

There is nothing that this man Yan Yifeng can't say.

If his possessiveness was aroused, he would definitely tell what happened in the bathroom verbatim.

On the contrary, Yu Shaofan's reaction was not as unbearable as she imagined. He smiled softly, and instead of pursuing it, he held her hand, "Yiyi, I bought you breakfast."

At this time, Bo An had already arrived. He pushed the dining car in and pushed Yu Shaofan aside, "Mr. Yan, you want breakfast."

Looking at the bag in Yu Shaofan's hand, Yan Yifeng smiled contemptuously, "Put the breakfast on the dining table."


When he was at the dining table and heard the sound of parking downstairs, he knew it wasn't Bo An who knocked on the door, but Yu Shaofan.

Because of his excellent memory, he can recite everything fluently as long as he listens to or reads the text once... let alone the sound of a car.

The dining table was full, with all kinds of breakfast, Yan Yifeng's hand was still around her waist, he lowered his head, his voice was soft and fatal, "Hey, these breakfasts are more nutritious."

He circled her and was about to turn around and leave, but Jie Yiyi's hand was still held by Yu Shaofan, she looked at him, and did not follow Yan Yifeng's footsteps.

A trace of joy flashed in Yu Shaofan's heart, but he still kept a calm smile on his face, "Yiyi, this is your favorite preserved egg porridge."

(End of this chapter)

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