Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 361 Take care of yourself!

Chapter 361 Take care of yourself!
The corners of Yan Yifeng's mouth curled up slightly, "It's best like this."

The determination in his eyes seemed to tell her, no matter where you hide, I will dig three feet to find you.

She is penniless now, and it is difficult to support herself. What capital does she have to take him away?
Escape... Where can I escape to?
After going through so many things, she has learned not to hit the point of a knife or a gun, it would be too painful.

She lowered her eyes, her long curled eyelashes brushed two shadows, she was as delicate as a baby...

The pink lips were gently sucked by it, leading to associations. After a long while, she nodded, "Yes."

Yan Yifeng leaned down and put a kiss on her lips, Jie Yiyi just realized that he had already left her lips, Yan Yifeng's cold voice landed on top of her head, "Take care of yourself!"

She raised her clear eyes and looked at him for a few seconds, "..."

He thought that he had an illusion, that Yan Yifeng would say such things to her?

Yan Yifeng didn't expect her to answer, he glared at her, turned his back, and walked away.

At this time... a woman ran from a distance, seeing Yan Yifeng was about to leave, she hurriedly grabbed his hand, "Don't go!"

Looking at the aunt in front of him, Yan Yifeng frowned, who is she?His fans...?
Two seconds later, Yan Yifeng shook off her hand impatiently, "Who are you?"

The woman was a little agitated, and grabbed his hand again, "You thief, I finally caught you, I have already called the police, don't even try to run away!"

This somewhat familiar face reminded Yan Yifeng of last night.

He waited downstairs all night, but Jie Yiyi didn't come back, so he had no choice but to... go to the landlord to get the room card, but she refused, Yan Yifeng thought she was troublesome, so he had to take out the gun...

So, she thought he asked for the room card to steal things?

Yan Yifeng shook off her hand again with disdain, "I need to come to you to steal something? Huh?!"

"It doesn't matter if you're not a thief, it's wrong for you to threaten me with a gun, come here quickly, comrade police!"

She waved at the policeman who had just entered the gate.

A few policemen ran towards this side quickly, and they were about to grab Yan Yifeng's hand when they stepped forward.

Yan Yifeng's face was lightly described, but a pair of dark eyes were extremely cold.

He exudes a strength and arrogance that cannot be easily provoked... it is daunting.

"Comrade police, it was him yesterday who threatened me with a gun...to force me to hand over the resident's room card!"

"You can't let this kind of person get away with it, you should arrest him and go to jail." She was very excited.

"..." She still wanted to say something, but at this moment, Yan Yifeng took out a business card and threw it at the policeman's face. That name scared them a lot.

In order to mitigate the crime, they hurriedly lowered their heads and admitted their mistake, "Mr. Yan, we are the ones who don't know Taishan, and offended you just now, please forgive me!"

Yan Yifeng snorted coldly.

If they dared to offend him like this before, they would definitely die.

But now... Yan Yifeng just waved his hands impatiently to let them leave.

"What? I asked you to come and arrest him, not to ask you to come and plead guilty, but he is the one who committed the crime..."

A policeman turned sideways and said, "Landlady, it's none of your business here, please go back!"

"Hey! How did you become a policeman? Just let him go like this? Isn't it too conniving to him? He has a gun on him, and he will kill someone at any time!"

Jie Yiyi kept standing behind them and did not leave. She didn't want to intervene, but... the landlady kept chattering.

(End of this chapter)

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