Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 363 I Love Shaofan Very Much

Chapter 363 I Love Shaofan Very Much

Leaning against the wall, she struggled to breathe, trying to regain consciousness from her thoughts...

At this time...Yan Yifeng just pushed the car door and went up, watching the car go away...Jie Yiyi went back upstairs again.

As soon as he heard Jie Yiyi's footsteps, Yu Shaofan stood up from the sofa irresistibly.

Came in front of Jie Yiyi, grabbed her hand, and said nervously, "Yiyi...it took so long to come up...what did Yan Yifeng say to you..."

"Why is your face so ugly? Did he threaten you again?" There was tension in his voice.

She stayed on the stairs for almost half an hour just now, and the lines... She had already thought about it.

Both Jiang Yang and Lin Xi are here, she won't say anything...

She touched her icy face and smiled, "I'm fine, maybe there was a bit of wind downstairs just now."

After glancing at Jiang Yang, he added why Yan Yifeng told her to go down, "He said he would give you a week's vacation."


Jiang Yang and Yu Shaofan had obvious signs of shock on their faces.

"That is to say, you don't plan to put uncle back in prison?" Lin Xi couldn't help asking.

Jie Yiyi pondered for a while, then nodded, "Well, it counts!"

"Yiyi..." Seeing Yu Shaofan's gaze, Jie Yiyi was obviously dodging something.

Yu Shaofan questioned, "This is not like Yan Yifeng's style."

Jie Yiyi laughed dryly, "Yan Yifeng never plays cards according to common sense."

Jiang Yang took a step forward and couldn't help interjecting, "Yiyi, did you make another deal with Mr. Yan?"

There was a hint of worry in his hoarse voice.

trade?Yan Yifeng said some messy things to her, but he didn't threaten her, he just gave her time to think about it.

Jie Yiyi refused his words, "You think too much."

Despite doubts in his heart, the tense expression on Jiang Yang's face relaxed slightly, "That's good, don't wrong yourself for Dad."

Jie Yiyi's smile faded, "I'll cook."

With that said, she turned and went into the kitchen.

Yu Shaofan didn't break the bowl to ask the question to the end, she didn't want to speak, naturally there was her own difficulty.

Lin Xi helped Jiang Yang to sit on the sofa, "Shaofan, talk to Uncle for a while, I'll go in and help Yiyi."

in the kitchen.

Jie Yiyi was washing the dishes, Lin Xi stood there for a long time, she came in, but she didn't notice.

She didn't know what she was thinking, she was so engrossed in thinking, the action of turning off the water and washing her hair was stiff for a long time.

"Yiyi..." Lin Xi stepped forward and patted her on the shoulder.

"Uh..." The contemplation was interrupted, Jie Yiyi turned her head, Lin Xi blinked at her with big Lingling eyes, and then said, "Just now I saw you in a daze alone, so I..."

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Jie Yiyi's face, "Sorry, I didn't pay attention."

Lin Xi smiled sweetly, rolled up her sleeves, "Let me wash it for you!"

"It's okay, I can do it myself."

Lin Xi stood aside stiffly, and Jie Yiyi picked up the washed vegetables.

Seeing Jie Yiyi washing the meat, Lin Xi quickly stepped forward again, "I'll cut the meat."

Seeing how persistent she was, Jie Yiyi didn't refuse her anymore, but just said, "Then be careful."

"En." Lin Xi cut it skillfully. It's really rare for a daughter to be so virtuous now, who can go to the hall and go to the kitchen... It's really rare.

Dinner is very simple, because there is no preparation in advance, and there are no big fish and meat, just a few simple dishes...

(End of this chapter)

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