Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 368 Then What Do You Like?

Chapter 368 Then What Do You Like?
He asked coldly, what he said was so serious yesterday.She actually thought he was joking?

Damn woman, does he really not understand or fake?

Has she ever seen a woman playing with a woman to the point of sending flowers to her door?

"..." His credibility was not high in the first place, his words were half-truth, and his acting skills were superb, so it was understandable for him to be questioned.

"Speak!" Yan Yifeng said coldly when she didn't respond for a while.

Jie Yiyi avoided Jiang Yang's sight, walked into the room, and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, "Yan Yifeng, whether you are serious or joking, I hope..."

Yan Yifeng interrupted her coldly, "I am not forcing you, nor threatening you, nor playing tricks on you... I am formally pursuing you, and you have no right to refuse."

The breeze passed by, and her long eyelashes were gently agitating, making her look extremely moving.

"Okay... I don't object to your pursuit, but I hope you can keep a low profile."

"Low-key? Do you want me to push the dining car and deliver you a poached egg every day? Or a bowl of cheap instant noodles?"

Shouldn't she be happy to have a suitor who is willing to spend money for her?
"Extravagance does nothing for me."

"I have my way of pursuing."

"I can only refuse what I don't like."

"Then what do you like?" Yan Yifeng asked.


"What do you like?" he asked again.

"Did I say it, and you will do it?"

The corner of Yan Yifeng's mouth curled into a smile, "Tell me about it?"

"I like you to stay away from me."

"It is said that what women are best at is duplicity. Tell me to get away from you. In fact, you want me to come closer, come closer?"

"..." Jie Yiyi didn't bother to deal with this kind of narcissistic man.

She was about to hang up the phone when a voice came from Yan Yifeng, "Go out for lunch at noon, I will send someone to pick you up."

Jie Yiyi refused straight away, "No need!"

"Don't like eating outside?" Yan Yifeng asked, the smile on his lips faded a little, "It's okay, then push the dining car to your apartment, and I will eat with you after get off work."

"You... are sick!" Jie Yiyi couldn't help cursing.

She didn't have time to fight with him now, before he could speak, she hung up the phone and turned off the phone.

She warned herself that this time, no matter what, she must not fall into his trap again.

Just ignore everything he does.

Yes, just ignore it.

Putting on her bag, she walked out of the room.

At this time, Jiang Yang was sitting on the sofa watching the news.

I didn't want to interrupt him, but after thinking about it, I should say hello to him.

Handing him a note, Jie Yiyi said, "I'll go out for a while, if you need anything, just call me."

After receiving the note, he memorized the number on it at a glance, and wanted to ask her where she was going, but he still didn't ask her. He nodded, "Okay."

As soon as she went down the stairs, several men in black stopped her way, "Where is Miss Jie going?"

Jie Yiyi didn't feel scared because of their appearance, because she recognized them.

These were sent by Yan Yifeng to monitor them.

However, Jie Yiyi didn't want to pay attention to them, and left in a detour.

The man in black immediately chased after him, "Miss Jie, where are you going, we will see you off."

Jie Yiyi continued to walk forward.

But just come down to buy some vegetables, do you need to follow so closely?

Entering the mall, the man in black followed closely.

(End of this chapter)

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