Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 380 You'll catch a cold like this.

Chapter 380 You'll catch a cold like this.

"Tick tick..." God seemed to be trying to satisfy Jie Yiyi. As soon as her words fell, the rain became frivolous.

At this time, the night was quiet, most of the shops were closed, and there were few taxis.

Yan Yifeng's face darkened, and he quickly took off his coat, and put it over Jie Yiyi's head to prevent the rain from soaking her body.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, although she couldn't get wet, but... Yan Yifeng got wet in order to protect her.

Jie Yiyi stopped, and covered the other half of the clothes on his head, Yan Yifeng's face darkened, and insisted on covering her body, Jie Yiyi said worriedly, "You will catch a cold like this."

After glaring at her, Yan Yifeng said, "I'm not as fragile as you."

"..." Seeing the rain wet his hair, Jie Yiyi knew that it was useless to say anything, so she could only speed up her pace.

Not long after the beginning of summer, the nights were still shady, in fact... She could imagine the coldness of the rain on her back.

I don't know why I saw him soaked by the rain... My chest feels a little uncomfortable, as if I feel distressed...

After walking for more than 20 minutes, I arrived at the apartment.

At this time, Yan Yifeng's whole body was already wet, but Jie Yiyi was safe and sound, not even a hair was wet.

Although his whole body was soaked, it didn't affect his handsomeness, as if he had just returned from swimming, his wild breath was squandered even more vividly.

He looked at her and said, "Are you wet?"

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, Jie Yiyi shook her head and took his hand, "Your clothes are wet, let's go up together."

With a faint smile on his lips, Yan Yifeng followed her upstairs.

At this moment, Huang Fulan was about to go down the stairs, when she saw Jie Yiyi and Yan Yifeng, she immediately retreated to the room.

Seeing the back of Yan Yifeng entering the room, she clenched her hands tightly and clenched her fists.

Taking out the room card and opening the door, Jiang Yang was already asleep.

Jie Yiyi slowed down and brought Yan Yifeng into the room.

Last time, when I was buying clothes for Jiang Yang, I happened to see home clothes that fit Yan Yifeng's size. I didn't need to buy them at first, but later, I couldn't help but bought them back.

She took it out of the closet, and she handed it to him, "Go in and take a shower."

If she had known it would rain, she would not have gone for a walk in the park with him.

Yan Yifeng put the home clothes aside, pushed Jie Yiyi into the bathroom, "Hey, wash first."

"I... I'm okay, I don't seem to be wet."

He's afraid she'll catch a cold?What about himself?

"What? Want to wash with me?" He looked at her with a somewhat ambiguous expression.

"..." Gazing at him, Jie Yiyi held back her concern for him and closed the door.

Because there was a concern in her heart, Jie Yiyi came out soon.

At this time, Yan Yifeng had just taken off his shirt, and when he saw her coming out, he grabbed her shoulders and blew her hair.

Looking at his strong chest, Jie Yiyi's face suddenly became hot, she raised her eyes, "I will do it myself."

Yan Yifeng insisted on drying her hair, carried her to the bed, and then entered the bathroom.

Jie Yiyi didn't fall asleep, but half-lyed on the bed, listening to the sound of rain.

The strands of hair were still scorching hot, with the residual warmth from his palm remaining here.

I pressed my chest, it was warm there, and there was a strange feeling~
Coming out of the bathroom, Yan Yifeng wiped his hair with a towel, and seeing that she hadn't fallen asleep, he frowned, "Why aren't you asleep?"

"I..." She didn't know why she wasn't asleep yet.

(End of this chapter)

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