Chapter 383

"You have."

After grabbing her catkin, he didn't argue with her, but lowered his tone, "That was all in the past."

Is he sure he wants to push everything to the front?
She taunted him fiercely from the bottom of her heart, but she still stood on tiptoe and beat him up.

Otherwise, Yan Yifeng would definitely spend the whole morning tangled in this tie.

Looking down at the little woman who was wearing the tie in front of her, Yan Yifeng's lips once again smiled.

Although she still refused to go back to Yan's house with him, he believed that she would go back with him soon.

After 2 minutes, Jie Yiyi let go of his collar and said, "It's done."

Just about to back away from his embrace, her head was held tightly, Yan Yifeng held her chin and kissed her.

There is no crazy snatching, but a shallow kiss.

Jie Yiyi was about to resist.

Yan Yifeng let go of her lips suddenly, and looked at her with burning eyes, "Don't be with Yu Shaofan behind my back."

"Otherwise, the consequences are serious."

She wanted to ask, why... But when she thought of him cooking breakfast for her, she held back and didn't answer.

"I'll come over tonight."

"Call me if you miss me or have anything to do, and I will turn it on for you 24 hours a day."

After explaining what should be explained, Yan Yifeng put on the suit that Bo An sent, and he turned and left.

Jie Yiyi did not send him downstairs, but stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, watching his car going away.

He'll come over tonight...?
For a moment, my heart seemed to have anticipation...

The whole room has the lingering fragrance of Yan Yifeng.

Jie Yiyi didn't know how long she stood in front of the window before recovering.

Patting herself on the head, she turned and walked into the bathroom.

She warned herself not to think about it any more.

Don't be moved by his tenderness.

all can't...

After changing her clothes, she folded the quilt and pushed the dining car out.

Passing Jiang Yang's room, a voice suddenly came from inside.

But the voice was very low, and she couldn't hear it clearly...

He just vaguely heard the general meaning, as if he was saying, why didn't he recognize his daughter...?
But she wasn't sure if the original words were true...

Who is he talking to?

Frowning, she pushed open the door, and Jiang Yang was lying peacefully on the bed~, sleeping soundly...just, muttering something in his mouth.

His face returned to normal, it turned out that he was talking in his sleep...

After closing the door again, she entered the kitchen without much concern about the origin of that sentence.

As soon as I entered the kitchen, there was a burning smell, the kitchen was messed up, and the floor was so dirty...

Taking a closer look, it turned out that Yan Yifeng forgot to turn off the fire while cooking the porridge, and the porridge in the pot was already boiled...

Turning off the heat, Jie Yiyi gritted his teeth as his face darkened, and suddenly he wanted to kill Yan Yifeng...

Fortunately, she was moved by that bowl of preserved egg porridge just now... He actually...made the kitchen like this?


No wonder he left in such a hurry just now, because he was afraid that she would find out?

Fortunately, she discovered it early, otherwise, if the cooking continues like this, it may cause a gas explosion~
If you can't cook, don't cook... What's wrong with it?

The fridge was also a mess.

Really speechless.


After cleaning up the mess left by Yan Yifeng, it was already ten o'clock at noon.

And Mama Feng arrived here on time.

I haven't seen Feng's mother for a few days, but she is a lot more enthusiastic. When we met, I gave her a hug.

At this time, Jiang Yang walked out of the room.

(End of this chapter)

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