Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 387 Just go on a date with Yu Shaofan!

Chapter 387 Just go on a date with Yu Shaofan!
What she wants is not his sorry, she hopes that he can take care of his body...

She wanted to say something more, but seeing him with moist eyes, she swallowed it back.

Changed the words, "The doctor said that you need to stay in the hospital for observation for a few days."

Jiang Yang's wrinkled face was full of mood swings, "The child... just has a stomach allergy, as long as he takes the medicine on time, he doesn't need to be hospitalized."

"The hospital said you need to stay in the hospital for observation for a few days."

Jie Yiyi repeated what she had just said.

But Jiang Yang insisted, "My child... the hospital is too cloudy, and my father is not used to it."

Even so, Jie Yiyi also understood in his heart the reason why he refused to be hospitalized.

But what can she do?
No matter what she said, he still insisted on that sentence, no need to be hospitalized.

In the end, Jie Yiyi gave up arguing with him, and took him back to the apartment after finishing the drip.

After taking the medicine, Jie Yiyi let him into the room to rest.

Mama Feng is in the kitchen, cooking.

Jie Yiyi wanted to go in to help, but at this moment, the phone rang suddenly.

She could only give Feng's mother an embarrassed smile, and then went to the balcony to answer the phone.

Yu Shaofan's voice came from over there, "Yiyi... I heard from the driver that uncle is sick, right?"

This was the reason why he didn't want to sit in his driver's car in the first place.

She knew that the driver would definitely tell Yu Shaofan.

Forced a smile, "It's nothing, it's just an allergy."

"Where are you now? Is uncle in hospital?"

"I just got back from the hospital..."

"I'm done with my business."

In the morning, Yan Yifeng's words still echoed clearly in her ears...

"You are not allowed to be with Yu Shaofan behind my back, otherwise, you will bear the consequences."

Mama Feng is still here, if Shaofan comes, she will definitely report to Yan Yifeng...

"Shaofan...it's okay, he just fell asleep. Besides...it's not convenient for me to meet you right now."

She spoke intermittently.

To her, Yan Yifeng is a demon, once he is angered, she can't guarantee what he will do?

Not convenient to meet?
Is it because Yan Yifeng is at her house?

Last night, he didn't answer her phone call. He waited for her downstairs all night, and finally saw Yan Yifeng come back with her arms around her...

When he went upstairs, he thought Yan Yifeng would come down, but after three o'clock, the lights went out, and he still didn't come down.

Finally...he left disappointed.

There was silence for a long time, and finally Yu Shaofan responded, "Well, then I will go to see you and uncle some other day, and take good care of myself."

"Okay." After hanging up the phone, Jie Yiyi was just about to leave the balcony when the phone rang again.

"Shao..." Before the word Fan could be spoken, Yan Yifeng's cold voice came from over there, "Who have you been talking to for so long just now? Yu Shaofan?"

When his questioning voice came, Jie Yiyi immediately swallowed back what she wanted to say.

Turning her eyes, she concealed, "No."

"Then who are you talking to?" he asked.

Looking at the high-rise buildings in the distance, Jie Yiyi turned off the subject, "What's the matter with you? If there's nothing else, we'll chat later, I'm cooking."

"Jie Yiyi, Mama Feng is cooking in the kitchen, don't fool me!"

How did he know she was scolding him?

Looking back, there was no sign of Yan Yifeng, and looking downstairs, there was no sign of him either.

"Don't look at it! I'm watching your every move. If you want to be punished, just go on a date with Yu Shaofan!"

(End of this chapter)

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