Chapter 39 I want to die with you 2
Just like that, the two of them sat quietly on the sofa, Jie Yiyi looked at the bloody photos, trying to forget, but what happened tonight had left a shadow in her heart... …

Just like a scar, it has long been lingering.

Jie Yiyi repeatedly recalled what Yan Yifeng said just now...

Is the man Yan Yifeng mentioned is his father?
But what did he mean by breaking up their family?
The meaning of what he said was obviously not deep, but she couldn't understand it.

According to what he said, the person who raped his mother should not be his father. If it was a father, then it is impossible for Yan Yifeng to cooperate with him.

Looking at his crazy behavior just now, if his father really raped his mother, why didn't Yan Yifeng kill him when they met?

So who was the man he was talking about?

What does it have to do with her?
Yan Yifeng said just now that it's not the time to tell her, because he hasn't played enough!
What exactly does this mean?
Could it be that the cause of her mother's death had something to do with her?
Otherwise, with so many people in the world, why did he find her?

His background is the Yan family consortium in Europe, and all the finance in Europe is controlled by him. Does a rich man like him want any kind of woman?
Jie Yiyi thought about it, and the only answer she knew was that she might be the enemy he said...

However, this matter does not seem to have much to do with Dad...

How did she become his enemy?
With such a small background, what kind of relationship can she have with him?she doesn't understand...

Does she have other relatives besides her father?
Jie Yiyi glanced at Yan Yifeng, he was still smoking, and in the blink of an eye, he had already smoked half a pack of cigarettes.

Thick smoke enveloped the entire room, adding an unknown cloudiness.

Jie Yiyi was choked uncomfortably, and a feeling of nausea rose in her throat.

"Yan Yifeng, can you stop smoking?" Jie Yiyi didn't know how long she endured before she said this.

"You care about me?" Yan Yifeng said disdainfully, and as he spoke, he took out a cigarette and continued to light it.

Only ghosts care about people like you.Jie Yiyi wanted to refute.

But she still lowered her tone, "Yan Yifeng, let's talk!"

"Don't talk!" Yan Yifeng refused.

"Then what do you want?"

She had to get information about that man and the hatred between them from Yan Yifeng.

Only in this way can there be a chance to resolve it, so that she can have a chance to escape from him.

"Continue to torture you!" Yan Yifeng said coldly, without any emotion in his tone.

Jie Yiyi smiled weakly, "Is this interesting?"

"Yes, it makes me happy!"

"But I don't think you are happy. Is there any misunderstanding between Yan Yifeng and us? Tell me, can we reconcile?"

Jie Yiyi lowered her tone, "If it was because I locked your bathroom door that night and made you angry, can I apologize to you now?"

"No talk!"

Yan Yifeng threw away the cigarette, turned around suddenly, and stared at her coldly, "Jie Yiyi, I advise you not to waste your words anymore, the grievances between us will never be settled in a lifetime, and you can only stay in the By my side, be my plaything next to my pillow! Do you understand?" he swore.

Jie Yiyi didn't shrink back because of his words, but looked at him carefully.

In the dark night, his clean and white face revealed a sharp-edged indifference; his dark and deep eyes, like an eagle in the dark night, were cold and arrogant but aggressive, exuding a strength and determination that disdain the world.

"Yan Yifeng, I don't want to quarrel with you. I just want to know if I am your enemy or not? I will check the rest myself!"

(End of this chapter)

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