Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 393 Yan Yifeng, take care of yourself

Chapter 393 Yan Yifeng, take care of yourself

What did her words... mean?
She means that he can continue to stay by his side?
Then Mr. Yan will let him go, will he let Yiyi go?
According to his character, unless Yiyi made a deal with him, he couldn't...

That night, he couldn't sleep and got up, just in time to hear that Yan Yifeng asked her to go back to Yan's house...

His hand was tightly held in the palm of his hand, and he was a little emotional, "Yiyi... Actually, Dad is doing well in prison, so you don't have to wrong yourself for me."

He is dying, so what if he suffers a little?

Yiyi is different... She is still young... Those pains should not be endured by a young girl like her.

"I didn't ask you to answer anything else," she said.

"If Mr. Yan allows, Dad...I hope that in the remaining few years, I can stay by your side and take care of you."

"But... Dad doesn't want you to be wronged. If you are asked to go back to Mr. Yan, then Dad would rather go back to prison."

Jiang Yang said firmly.

"..." Jie Yiyi remained silent.

He just took him around for a while, and seeing that he was tired, he took him back to the apartment.

Watching him being sent back to prison...?
If she was sent back to the prison, then she could be [-]% sure that Yan Yifeng would not take her back to Yan's house by force?
In fact, after leaving the Yan family, she has lived outside for so long.

Thinking back, Yan Yifeng treated her...except that she did something wrong and angered him, he treated her, and Mama Feng treated her well...

She shook her head, what was she thinking...?
Didn't you agree not to be shaken by him?

I patted my face with cold water to wake myself up~
She wanted to make a call to Yu Shaofan...but when she thought that he would object without hesitation, she endured it again.

Sitting on the rocking chair, she sighed softly.

Suddenly, a hot breath came from her ear, the earlobe was bitten, and a tingling sensation hit her, burning her face red, she turned her face, and Yan Yifeng's magnified handsome face appeared in front of her eyes .

"Uh..." She pushed her away warily, and looked at him angrily, "You..."

When did he come?
Why doesn't she know...?
Is he a ghost?No sound when walking?Who are you trying to scare?
"What are you thinking? Why are you sighing?"

He stood here for only 10 minutes, this woman... sighed more than ten times.

After hugging the pillow, she turned her face away, and said in a cold voice, "What's the matter with you?"

"About me?" he said with his jaw resting on her shoulder.

It seems that it is about him, but she will not be too honest, push him away, and distance herself from him with great indifference, "It has nothing to do with you."

His eyes were a little darker, and he said with a slight smile, "The words Yan Yifeng are written all over your face."

"You're sick." She glared at him and said.

The rocking chair is not big, but Yan Yifeng insisted on squeezing in, he grabbed her, Jie Yiyi resisted him, but his strength was amazing, she couldn't fight him, so she had to sit on his lap.

He gently stroked her neck with his cold lips, and said evilly, "You only have a day and a half to think about it."

he reminded.

I glanced at the opposite side. Fortunately, it was lunch break time and there were not many people.

Otherwise, Obasan on the other side will see her and talk about her again.

Pinching his arm fiercely, Jie Yiyi said dissatisfiedly, "Yan Yifeng, take care of yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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