Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 423 Are you deliberately angry with me now?

Chapter 423 Are you deliberately angry with me now?
The waist was tightly bound, and Yan Yifeng's force was about to crush her waist.

Her hand holding the suit was still in the air, and Yu Shaofan didn't take it, but looked at Yan Yifeng aggressively.

In those gentle and deep eyes, there was a flash of anger, and his hands naturally formed into fists.

There was an unexplainable premonition in my heart.

She knew that Yan Yifeng's possessiveness was at work again.

They are no longer the same relationship as before, why does she still have lingering fears in her heart, she feels that it is not right to push him away, and it is not right not to push him away.

Yu Shaofan was also out of concern, just because he was afraid that she would catch a cold, he...

Besides, Shaofan has been staying by her side for the past few days, and the person who takes care of him is Shaofan.

From that night to now, he has never left by her side, and he hasn't even closed his eyes normally for three days and three nights.

At that time... where did he go?

He can flirt with other women, Shaofan is just her friend, why should he care so much?
Thinking of this, there was a trace of bitterness on her lips.

He has hurt her before, and she won't fall into it foolishly.

Pushing away the hands around her waist, took off the suit, and retreated, she said gratefully, "Yan Yifeng, thank you for coming to the hospital to see me today!"

"That day, you threw yourself into the fire to save Jiang Yang. I was very touched and grateful. I am sorry for the injury you suffered today. I hope you will take your medicine and clean your wound on time."

"I'll treat you to dinner after I've dealt with my father's affairs."

It's very official, very strange, just like a thank-you speech between ordinary friends.

There is no pretentiousness, everything comes from the heart.

After finishing speaking, she turned sideways, patted off the stain on the suit, handed it to him and said, "Shaofan, let's go."

Jie Yiyi's actions were unexpected.

Feeling joy in his heart, Yu Shaofan's complexion improved a little, Yiyi she... still leaned more towards him.

Smiling gently at her, Yu Shaofan took her hand naturally, and replied comfortably, "Yes."

Looking at the backs of the two who were about to leave, his eyes were extremely indifferent, and instantly turned into sharp knives and arrows, stabbing them fiercely.

A cool murderous aura rose from the ground and invaded her body.

Feeling this oppressive force, his footsteps slowed down significantly.

But she didn't look back and kept walking.

Suddenly, someone grabbed her wrist violently, and a stinging pain like a bone fracture hit her. Before she could slow down, her cold voice hit her head like ice, "Jie Yiyi, what the hell do you mean?!"

"Just because of that video that day, are you deliberately angry with me now?!"

When it was just the two of them, he could tolerate no matter how presumptuous she was.

But now, if she chooses Yu Shaofan instead of him, she just doesn't give him face!
A man's dignity is more valuable than anything else. Of course he couldn't stand her embarrassing him in front of her rival.

Being grabbed by him, Jie Yiyi had to stop, she looked back at him.

Although his hand was injured, his strength never diminished, and he tightened again and again.

Without waiting for her to respond, he spoke again, "I said that everything was arranged by the old man, not my wishful thinking. What's more, I didn't touch her, it was all an illusion shot from an angle!"

If Yan Yifeng really wanted to get rid of a woman, he wouldn't be so cowardly, forcing a woman to leave with such a stupid way of pornography...

(End of this chapter)

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