Chapter 442
"You exchange a watch for these fish feeds?"

"Otherwise? They can't swipe their cards!"

"We can't swipe the card, we won't buy it, why did you give her the watch? Do you know that these fish feeds are worth five yuan!"

"Didn't you ask me to buy fish feed?"

"But I don't have to ask you to buy it, we can go back to the hospital without change... um"

"It's just a broken watch, if you like it, I'll buy you a whole bunch, as long as you're happy!"

Thinking of this, the corners of her mouth involuntarily raised...

At that time, although he was full of sadness, he also gave her a lot of happiness...

When Yan Yifeng loses his temper, although it is very scary, but when he becomes a rascal, he is childish like a child...

Putting the fish material aside, her hand involuntarily touched her wrist.

The watch that Yan Yifeng gave her is still there, but it will soon cease to belong to her...

Just when she was fascinated by the memories, suddenly, an elegant suit with a faint fragrance was draped over her body.

Immediately afterwards, a voice came from behind, "Yiyi..."

Slightly stunned, without looking back, he continued to focus on the fish in the pond.

She knew that he was Shaofan.

Yu Shaofan put his breakfast aside, sat down, hugged her shoulder lightly, and asked, "I went to bed so late yesterday, why did I get up so early today?"

Pouring all the remaining fish food into the pond, she turned her head and said with a faint smile, "The doctor asked me to exercise more, so I came down for a run and happened to be here, so I bought some fish food."

He knew what she was thinking just now.

Last time, when he accompanied Lin Xi to the hospital to get medicine... he saw her and Yan Yifeng sitting here and arguing.

Yiyi, is she... thinking about Yan Yifeng?
"Do you like fish?"

"..." Buying fish feed is purely to pass the time.Maybe I like it, maybe I don't like it, but I still nodded.

"When we go to France, we will build a small pond next to the villa. From now on, you will be responsible for raising them every morning, okay?"

go abroad?A burst of sourness welled up from the bottom of my heart.

Her smile has been maintained, but it is extremely stiff.

"What's the matter? Don't you like it?"

Jie Yiyi shook her head, "I like's just me, Shaofan..."

Going abroad is tantamount to letting Yan Yifeng's father succeed.

But if she doesn't go abroad, everyone around her will be implicated...

Leaving is tantamount to liberation, but it also means that she and Yan Yifeng... will never see each other again.

Tightening her shoulders, Yu Shaofan lowered his head, "It's okay Yiyi, you can tell me when you want to go abroad someday."

"Actually, yesterday..." I wanted to tell him what happened at noon yesterday, but I still held back.

He took out the steamed bun that was placed aside and handed it to her mouth, "Taste it."

After eating, the two sat quietly by the pond without saying anything until the sun rose before returning to the hospital.

Back in the ward, surprisingly, the door was pushed open.

She remembered that she locked the door before she left.

Could it be that the nurse came to give her a drip?But, the time has not come.

The brows could not help but frown. At this moment, the sound of high-heeled shoes sounded from inside, and the footsteps were heading this way.

The next second, a woman in a pink dress stood in front of her, and said in a sweet voice, "Shaofan, Yiyi, are you back?"

(End of this chapter)

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