Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 445 Two Airline Tickets

Chapter 445 Two Airline Tickets

Yu Lian's nails are very long, when he grabbed her just now, it did hurt her, but it was just a small injury, she didn't care.

"No scratches."

"They're still waiting for you downstairs, go down quickly."

"Well, if you need something, just call me!"

Smiling and watching him leave the ward, just now, what she wanted to ask, she never asked...

When staying with Yan Yifeng, she remembered that he told her that Shaofan's identity was not as simple as she imagined.

Before, she always thought that Yan Yifeng only said such words to make her give up, but now that she thinks about it, maybe there is something really wrong.

I always feel that Shaofan is much stronger than before, whether it is character or style, there have been great changes.

Behind him, it seems that there is a real background supporting him, otherwise, he would never give up on the Yu family and go abroad to develop...

Although the Yu family is prominent in S City, but now there are more and more powerful people, it is difficult to support the upper class in China, let alone abroad...

Moreover, what he said just now made her have to question...

If Shaofan really wasn't born of Yu Lian and Yu Hua, then he...was of foreign blood?
Impossible, Shaofan does not look like a foreigner, nor does he look like a mixed race.

Patting herself on the head, she knew that she had taken all this too far.

Looking at the rising sun, she took a deep breath.

Being idle and bored, he took the morning newspaper from the side again.

A few days ago, Yu Shaofan was afraid that she would be too bored, so he subscribed to the morning newspaper for a week to pass the time for her.

Therefore, every day at this time, someone will deliver the morning paper here on time.

She didn't like to watch politics, nor did she like to watch the news, so she flipped through it and put it back.

But in the next second, a piece of news successfully caught her attention.

She quickly grabbed it and carefully looked at the title above.

"At 2013 o'clock in the evening on April 4, 21, a disco in S City successfully arrested a drug addict—"

The name was not announced, but below, there is a group photo.

The drug addict was a woman, her hands were handcuffed, and her long hair covered half of her face.

Even so, Jie Yiyi still recognized that person - it was Zhong Guifang.

Heartbeat, suddenly missed a beat.

She often smokes, she knows it, but taking drugs... She really never thought of it.

She seems to be such an ordinary person, but she just has a bit of a poisonous mouth and loves money. She can accept these things, but no one expected that this person turned out to be a drug dealer?

Is there any misunderstanding here?
In her mind, what Yu Shaofan said to her yesterday flashed past:

"It seems that they have to suffer a little and learn a lesson!"

"It's nothing... In the future, I won't let you suffer any more."

"No matter what, you have to get back the grievances you suffered at the Jie family before, right?"

Shaofan thought that the reason she lost her mind yesterday was because she was bullied by Jie Momo and the others, and said that she would give them a little bit of trouble and learn a lesson.

However, Zhong Guifang was arrested last night. Could it be that this has something to do with Shaofan?

He is setting her up?But Shaofan's heart is not so vicious... Is it...?
Throwing off the quilt, she was about to get out of bed, but at this moment, the phone rang suddenly. She took it out and saw that it was a text message, a text message from Yan Yixi.

Looking at the text message conscientiously, a few seconds later, she opened the drawer, and there were two plane tickets and a check for 1000 million in it.

(End of this chapter)

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