Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 451 I Don't Touch Anyone!

Chapter 451 I Don't Touch Anyone!
This is completely different from the demon Yan Yifeng she just met.

In the past, I always hoped that he could restrain his temper and not be so domineering and arrogant towards her. Now that it has been realized, she feels that she is not used to it.

"Let's go!" He took her hand and led her out of the hospital.

After getting into the car, Yan Yifeng put on his sunglasses and drove away.

Jie Yiyi looked back at the hospital, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

After sighing softly in his heart, he leaned back on the car seat, lowered his eyes, and thought about something.

Paying attention to her fatigue, Yan Yifeng stretched out his big palm to wrap around her little hand, "Sleep first, and I will call you when I arrive!"

Jie Yiyi didn't sleep, but raised her eyes and looked at his side face quietly.

Yan Yifeng took off his sunglasses casually, clean them for her to see enough, with a handsome smile on the corner of his mouth, "Did you notice that I've become more handsome?"

He is still narcissistic and shameless as always.

Jie Yiyi didn't have any expression on her face, but continued to stare at it, and after a while, she called him, "Yan Yifeng."

Her voice is not loud, but it is as clear and pleasant as a silver bell.

He has always disliked being called by his name directly, but when these three words are uttered from her mouth, his mood will always become inexplicably happy, and there will be a kind of excitement and satisfaction that he has never had before.

The strength in her hand tightened involuntarily, and he looked back at her affectionately, "Huh?"

Recalling the memories of the past four months with him, a trace of sourness flashed across her heart.

But all these emotions are only hidden in the heart.

Withdrawing her small hand from his big palm, she caressed her arm wrapped in gauze with a little distress, and she asked, "Is it because of me that you got hurt?"

That touch, like a feather that suddenly fell into his heart, stirred his heart and made people enjoy it.

The car did not continue to drive forward, but stopped. His eyes were unpredictable and extremely deep.

After about 5 minutes of silence, he asked back, "If I say yes, will you believe me?"

He had cheated on her, she didn't believe it, he wouldn't explain it.

But unexpectedly, she nodded calmly, "I believe."

"I believed everything you said to me that day in the palace."

"It's not your style to dump women in this way."

A word of her belief made him conquer.

This is the most beautiful admiration he has heard since he was born.

Afraid he heard it wrong, he took a step towards her, "Do you trust me?"

"Yeah." She nodded again.

The shoulder was pulled hard, and she fell into his arms.

He tightly encircled her with a tyrannical force, his fiery chest and strong heartbeat revealed his excitement.

This is also, it is the most beautiful sentence he has ever heard in this world, which makes people's hearts surge.

"Be good." He kissed her cheek and said, "I will never touch anyone in this life except you!"

After saying this, he felt that the emotions that had been accumulated in the past few days were instantly relieved.

Perhaps it was because she seldom heard Yan Yifeng's love words, the statement just now made her heart sweeter and sweeter, warmer and warmer.

Gently touching the wound on his arm with her hand, her heart was trembling slightly.

Although she was not the one who was injured, she could imagine the pain when the knife cut across her arm.

"Does it hurt?" She looked up and asked him.

Yan Yifeng lowered his eyes, looked at her clear eyes, the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, "Jie Yiyi, do you love me?"

(End of this chapter)

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