Chapter 453 I Am Not You
When the car stopped again, it was already the palace, and Yan Yifeng took her by the hand and entered the box.

After all, Jie Yiyi had stayed in Yan's house for a while, and he knew her preferences like the palm of his hand, and all the dishes he ordered were her favorite dishes.

In about 5 minutes, the waiter finished serving the dishes.

Yan Yifeng sat side by side with Jie Yiyi, so that he could pick up food for her.

Since being hospitalized, Jie Yiyi's taste has been very bland, too greasy, and it will make her stomach sick.

And Yan Yifeng is like a roundworm in her stomach, he knows what she thinks.

Soak the greasy dishes in hot water for a while to dilute the taste before putting them into her bowl.

Seeing that delicate movement, Jie Yiyi couldn't help but look up at him.

Maybe it's because I didn't pay attention to it before, or maybe it's because Yan Yifeng really changed.

He replaced the domineering he had originally with caring and carefulness for her.

Compared with before, he would only be violent to her and torture her on the bed~, now Yan Yifeng really warms her up a lot...

"Why?" He bowed his head and asked, seeing her suddenly not knowing him.

The entrained action still hasn't stopped.

The bowl full of vegetables in front of him was all brought in by him. During the whole process, I didn't see him feeding anything into his mouth.

After recovering from her thoughts, she asked back, "Aren't you going to eat?"

As soon as I praised him from the bottom of my heart, my true nature was immediately revealed. The corner of his mouth curled up, and he smiled evilly, "Just now... I was full in the car!"

Nothing tastes better than her.

"..." From the hospital to the palace, the car was silent for an hour just because of that incident.

Well now, he brought it up again... That embarrassing scene replayed in her mind.

Kissing him passionately on the main street was perhaps the craziest thing she had ever done in her life.

The scorching breath sprayed into her ears, and before she could respond, Yan Yifeng spoke again, "If you love me and are afraid that I will be hungry, then feed me!"

He likes to haggle with her.

But he was just talking casually. He still doesn't understand what kind of character Jie Yiyi is?Push him away and let him stop daydreaming.

But to his surprise, what she did was exactly the opposite of what he thought.

She never liked to use a knife and fork, but at this time, she patiently cut the steak for him, and then passed the steak to his mouth.

That movement, although not proficient, but it is very warm to watch.

In front of her nose, the fragrance emanating from her body overwhelmed the richness of the steak.

This time, it was his turn to look at her with strange eyes.

In my impression, Jie Yiyi would never do these things to him, even if he was injured, if he was willing to feed him, it was forced, never before, willingly!
"I fed you, why don't you eat?" Jie Yiyi asked puzzled after not seeing him open his mouth for a long time.

The little hand that was blown cold by the air conditioner was tightly held. Although he suppressed his emotions, he still couldn't help being excited, "Jie Yiyi, why did you suddenly become so obedient?"

Smiling at him, she said, "You don't like it?"

"No, I like it very much!!" He opened his mouth to eat the steak, which was obviously cold, but he felt that it was sweeter than eating honey.

He likes it, and he appreciates everything she does, but the happiness comes a bit suddenly.

Feeling more and more sour in her heart, she said, "Just like it."

Looking at the little woman in front of him and continuing to work for him, his heart has a warmth that he has never had before. Is this the so-called happiness?
Maybe not, but in his eyes, it is more gratifying than owning the whole world, and he cherishes it very much.

(End of this chapter)

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