Chapter 466 I Am Not You
Before she could finish her sentence, the crisp cell phone rang, interrupting her, and Jie Yiyi naturally closed her mouth.

The phone was in his pocket, and Jie Yiyi was sitting on his lap, Yan Yifeng said unhurriedly, "Take it out!"

Looking down, the crotch of his trousers was bulging, which was a little bit easy to imagine, and she blushed, and she nodded.

With tender little hands, she put them in his trouser pockets, took out the mobile phone, and handed it to him.

Glancing at the caller ID, it was Bo An calling.

Bo An's calls are usually important business matters, but Yan Yifeng didn't mean to avoid her, and directly pressed the answer button.

Bo An's voice came from over there, "Mr. Yan!"

Yan Yifeng responded with a lukewarm voice, "Say!"

"I just received a call from the prison on the ground, saying that Miss Ai escaped by climbing the window!"

"The brothers searched around but couldn't find her whereabouts. Do we need to send someone to do a carpet search?"

Bo An spoke in a consulting tone.

Miss Ai?Is it Ashes?she ran away?
Originally, Jie Yiyi didn't want to hear about his private affairs, but Ai Shishi was her enemy, of course she was interested, her ears couldn't help but pricked up, and she listened more carefully.

I thought that Yan Yifeng would be furious when he heard about Ai Shishi's escape, but everything, contrary to her imagination, his tone was much calmer than before.

He even responded in an irrelevant and lazy tone, "No need to search, let her go!"

"Yes." After Bai An responded, Yan Yifeng hung up the phone.

However, Jie Yiyi's heart felt an inexplicable pain, as if a knife had sliced ​​through her heart.

Ai Shishi took away their child, and he didn't let her receive the punishment she deserved, but just locked her in the dungeon.

It's only been a month since she ran away now, so he doesn't plan to pursue it?
Is it because she used to be his lover, so he indulged her so much?
Caressing her hair with a big palm, Yan Yifeng asked what she was interrupted, "What did you want to say just now...?"

At this moment, how could she still be in the mood to test him?

A trace of sadness crossed her face, and she said, "Yan Yifeng, I heard what Bo An said just now!"

"Huh? Do you have any questions?" She didn't question her words, and her tone was still flat.

Although she felt uncomfortable, she didn't show her emotions on her face, but asked, "Are you going to let Ai Shishi go like this?"

It wasn't because she had been with Yan Yifeng that she targeted her, but because she harmed her and lost a child! !

She couldn't forgive the woman who killed her child so easily! !

"During the month in the dungeon, she has received the punishment she deserves!"

The smile on the corner of his mouth stiffened and turned into a wry smile.

She seemed to understand something, and instead of objecting, she nodded, "Oh."

Maybe at the beginning, Yan Yifeng didn't pay much attention to this child...

Seeing a trace of scrutiny from her strange tone, he bowed his head and kissed her lips, "What's wrong with you?"

Jie Yiyi turned her face away, avoiding his lips, and replied softly, "It's nothing..."

Anyway, from tomorrow onwards, everything will become a memory.

He straightened her face away from her, and he just wanted to kiss. Although it didn't go deep, it was still lingering.

Jie Yiyi didn't respond to him, but looked at him, with waves of sadness welling up in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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