Chapter 468 I Am Not You
Did two days pass so quickly?Why is time always so easy to lose?As if they had just been together an hour ago.

Seeing that she didn't answer, he bit her shoulder hard, "Stupid woman, don't hesitate, answer me!!"

She said that there were their memories here, and he promised her to stay here for two more days... But how could she understand his eagerness to take her back to Yan's house?
The pain brought her back to her senses, she buried herself in his arms, and looked up at him, "Yan Yifeng, if one day I left you, would you hate me?"

"Huh?" His eyes turned cold, and he looked down at her with anger in his eyes, "You fucking want to leave me?!"

The coldness emanating from him made people shiver.

Jie Yiyi raised her head and planted a kiss on his chin to calm him down, "I just said if..."

He turned over and pressed her under him, his anger grew stronger, "There is no what if!" He couldn't deny it.

want to leave?Even if she goes to the ends of the earth, he will dig three feet to find her!

Regardless of whether she admits it or not, anyway, she is the woman he has identified in his life, and if he wants to leave...then ask him if he agrees?
What's more, on the hot air balloon, she confessed to love him with her own mouth. Could it be that she wants to play tricks?

Looking at his displeased expression, she didn't seem to be as scared as before. She pondered for a few seconds and then continued to ask, "What if..."

Before she could finish asking, his lips were tightly sealed. Instead of kissing her, he rudely nibbled her, as if punishing her for being unintelligent...

Jie Yiyi frowned, her lips hurt, and she didn't push him away.

Getting vent from her lips, he let go of her, his voice was extremely indifferent, "If there is, I will hate you to the bone! I will never let you go!"

Caressing his frowning brow with her little hand, she laughed, "Yan Yifeng, are you serious?"

He was so angry, she was still in the mood to laugh?
It seems that this woman really can't be spoiled, she will turn bad if she spoils her, how dare she play him?

"The guy who doesn't clean up!" He growled, ripped off her clothes, ignoring her reason and reason, dawdled under her body for a while, and then pushed in.

This sudden crash made Jie Yiyi a little uncomfortable.

He hadn't touched it for more than a month, it was very compact, and his size was surprisingly large, she frowned in pain...

Even though he was angry, Yan Yifeng also knew how to cherish her. After all, her body had just been hurt, so he softened his movements, "Do you dare to take it away and make fun of me in the future?"

She gradually got used to it, and just when she was about to answer, her body reacted again, and she couldn't help but groaned.

This voice is extremely provocative, while Yan Yifeng caressed her, while penetrating, tolerant...

Her tightness makes him happy and excited...

Kiss fell one by one, leaving little red strawberries behind.

Driven by Yan Yifeng, Jie Yiyi's small hands wrapped around his neck, and his calves wrapped around his waist, and he gradually fell into love~fascination.

Because it was a hospital, she didn't dare to be too presumptuous, she kept groaning in a low voice, but the bed just happened to be against her, making a creaking sound, which sounded very ambiguous...

In the end, the cooperation with each other pushed the two to the peak, and such extravagant profligacy made them breathless.

Jie Yiyi fell asleep in his arms.

However, Yan Yifeng wanted to burn, and wanted to eat again after eating, but the little woman in his arms was so tired, he still endured it. During the process of doing it, he also felt sorry for her body, so every time The twitching will be gentler than before...

(End of this chapter)

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