Chapter 470 I Am Not You
In the morning, the sun was shining brightly.

Jie Yiyi was woken up by the ringing of the mobile phone next to the bed. She glanced at the caller ID, her chest tightened, and she tiptoed out of bed, making sure that she did not disturb Yan Yifeng before she walked out of the balcony.

After picking up the phone, Yan Yixi reminded him, "Today, it's time for you to leave him!"

The wind blew and kissed her cheek, which did not bring her happiness but sadness.

Although these two days had been ordinary, for her, it was the happiest time in her life.

Every bit of what happened with him, including the quarrel, has been marked in her heart as a sign of happiness.

The only regret is that two days are too short.

I don't know how long she was silent before she responded to him coldly, "Yeah!"

"Get ready!" After he finished speaking, there was the sound of hanging up.

Jie Yiyi closed the phone, pressed her chest tightly, trying to suppress her sadness.

They still have a noon time to spend together, she should cherish every minute and every second now.

She comforted herself, and turned around to return to the room, but unexpectedly bumped into a strong chest.

The familiar smell surprised her, and she involuntarily backed away.

Yan Yifeng's eyes were gloomy and cold, his face was extremely dark, he grabbed her shoulders, and asked coldly, "Be honest, which man are you talking to behind my back?"

Yan Yifeng is such a cautious and sensitive person, as soon as the woman in his arms leaves, he can detect her absence.

He also happily thought that she went downstairs to buy him breakfast, but unexpectedly, she sneaked out and called? !

Hand, instinctively retracted, she hid the phone, shook her head, "No..."

"No?" Yan Yifeng's face darkened even more, he easily snatched her mobile phone, flipped through the chat records, his voice was as cold as ice, "I'll give you a chance to explain!"

With a flash of her eyes, she loosened her tight little face, smiled, and hooked his neck, "I didn't hide your back. Someone called just now. I saw that you were still sleeping, so I didn't want to wake you up, so I came out." ..."

Her actions not only did not calm him down, but made him even angrier, "I'm asking you, why did Yan Yixi call you?!"

Yan Yifeng has an excellent memory, and he can remember everything after reading it once.

Whose number is this, he knows very well.

Jie Yiyi smiled so naturally, "Didn't your hand hurt, he cares about you!"

She admired herself very much, and the lies became more and more smooth.

"Caring?!" snorted coldly, "He cares about me, and needs to call you?"

"Jie Yiyi, what are you hiding from me?!"

Being poked into a lie, she felt a little nervous in her heart.

But on the surface he remained calm and composed, "What can I hide from you?"

"I'm telling the truth! Yan Yixi said, you never tell him anything, so he can only come to bother me."

"Yan Yifeng, you don't believe me?"

Although he questioned her words, his complexion improved a little, "That's all?"

Jie Yiyi glared at him, "Otherwise, what do you want?"

With a big palm, he reached over her chest and squeezed it hard. He said, "It's better to be like this, will end badly!"

"Yes, I know!" Jie Yiyi nodded.

"Good girl, kiss me!" He demanded aggressively.

(End of this chapter)

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