Chapter 472 I Am Not You
"I was moved by that cup of ice cream, can't I?" She asked back.

"Back when I booked the entire amusement park for you and set off fireworks for you, why didn't you hug me and cry? Lovely!"

"that is because……"

"Because of what..."

"That's because I didn't like you at the beginning!" She said honestly.

Facing someone she doesn't like, even if he takes out his heart, she will still remain indifferent.

He obviously had doubts in his heart just now, but because of her words, he dismissed it. He raised his eyebrows and smiled complacently, "What about now?"

With a hammer on his chest, she smiled weakly, "You ask the question knowingly."

"Be good." He patted her head dotingly, and didn't plan to tease her anymore, otherwise, the little woman would drool greedily, "Then I'm going down?"

"Yeah." Putting a kiss on his lips, she waved her hand, "Be careful on the road."

It's just such a short distance, what else can happen?Women are always so outrageous when they are gentle.

In Yan's house before, when did he have this kind of treatment from her?
The bottom of my heart is very warm, as comfortable as she is in my arms.

Looking at the back of Yan Yifeng leaving, at that moment, Jie Yiyi's heart was hit by something, and the pain was unbearable.

For a second, she wanted to rush forward and hug him, but unfortunately, she couldn't...

At this time, no matter how much she loves, no matter how much it hurts, she will let go...

Because he... doesn't belong to her at all, Yan Yifeng's father will find him a better one! !She wants him to be happy...

The whole room is filled with his breath, intoxicating and reassuring.

She leaned against the wall, closed her eyes, greedy for this feeling, but every inch of her breath made her feel like suffocation pain...

She doesn't want to leave... But Yan Yifeng's father will let her go, will he let Yan Yifeng go?She dared not imagine the consequences.

In this world where power has the final say, what else can she do besides accepting the reality?

If she could be given another chance to choose, she would not fall in love with this scumbag Yan Yifeng even if she was killed, because of the pain of love, the humbleness of love, and the vulnerability of love...

Goodbye to the past.

Goodbye, Yan Yifeng.

Goodbye, China.

Just like last time, he forgot to ask her about her taste, so he bought everything.

Holding the ice cream, I imagined in my mind, what kind of satisfied expression this little woman will have after eating the ice cream.

Must be happy!Thinking of this, he couldn't wait to get on the elevator, wishing he could see her right away.

The elevator didn't go straight to the 15th floor, but only stopped on the 14th floor, so he had no choice but to come out and walk up a flight of stairs.

And at the moment Yan Yifeng got out of the elevator, Jie Yiyi just got into the elevator, met each other, but didn't see each other...

Finally, back to the ward, but the door was closed.

Yan Yifeng didn't notice something was wrong, still had a handsome smile on the corner of his mouth, pushed open the door, "Jie Yiyi, the ice cream you want..."

Just halfway through the words, it got stuck in my throat, and the room was terribly empty...

He knew whether she was there or not with just one glance.

The quilt on the bed~ was neatly folded, without his woman...

"Bump—" The bag of ice cream in his hand fell to the ground, and out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the note that was pressed on the bed~, and he stepped forward to grab it like crazy.

The handwriting inside is neat and concise, there are no redundant words, only one sentence, "Yan Yifeng, I'm leaving, don't read it!"

This stroke, like the wind and sand blowing up on the beach, choked his eyes, so sore, his eyes couldn't help being blurred...

The paper was crumpled by him, he punched the wall and roared, the voice was deafening, "Jie Yiyi, I will not let you go!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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