Chapter 476 I Am Not You
Her words made Yan Yifeng lose his expression. Would the explanation she gave satisfy him?

Half an hour ago, she was still nestled in his arms, acting like a baby to him, being extremely gentle, but now, she was as cold as a stranger to him.

Why is she doing this?

What is her intention of doing this?
On the surface, he was as indifferent as ice, but who would know that his heart was throbbing?

People he didn't love, no matter how coldly they spoke to him, they couldn't hurt him.

Even an unintentional injury to the person he loves deeply will make him cry.

People are not sages, but they are ruthless if they are familiar with it?
He is cold, he is ruthless, but so what?
Shouldn't Yan Yifeng have love?

Either be emotionless, or remain unswerving until death.

Either a hundred poisons will not invade, or the liver and intestines will be broken.

This is Yan Yifeng, just like the definition of truelove, it is a persistent pursuit and a brave sacrifice.

If you can't leave, you can't help Yu Shaofan. When Jie Yiyi said these words, Yan Yifeng's bodyguards had already stepped forward and brought him into the waiting room.

And here, only the two of them are left.

Yan Yifeng looked at Jie Yiyi, his gloomy face changed slightly, and his tone even showed some kindness, "Jie Yiyi, I will give you a chance to come back to me, as long as you come back obediently, I will I can ignore what you have done to me today, go back to Yan's house, I will still pamper and love you!"

He, Yan Yifeng, has never bowed his head to anyone, even people like the old man, he dismissed him, but she, he made an exception thousands of times.

In front of others, he is a king everyone fears, but in front of her, he can be anything and is humble.

I thought that after hearing this, she would be moved, like just now, hugging him and saying that she was moved...

But on the contrary, she stood where she was, looked at him and smiled, with a hint of sarcasm in that smile, "Yan Yifeng, do you really understand or pretend to understand?"

She asked him if he really didn't understand or if he didn't understand!

The last glimmer of hope he held was shattered by her, and his eyes turned cold again, "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean?" Jie Yiyi smiled very naturally, "Yan Yifeng, I always thought you were very smart, but I didn't expect you to be tricked by me!"

The shoulder was pinched severely, Yan Yifeng's face darkened, he chewed her name, "Jie Yiyi!!"

Jie Yiyi smiled softly, "I've been taking revenge on you all this time, can't you see it?"

"Revenge?" The strength in his hand increased a bit, he narrowed his cold eyes and denied her, "Jie Yiyi, you are lying!!"

"On the hot air balloon that day, you clearly said you loved me!!"

"Also, if you don't love me, you don't care about the child we lost!!"

"Not to mention having fun in bed with me!!"

Yan Yifeng is a smart person, she never denies it.

The smile on the corner of her lips was slightly stiff, but no one would notice her emotions unless she looked carefully.

In the next second, she slapped his hand off with a meaningless expression on her face, "I said I love you, do you believe me?"

"Believe it!" Yan Yifeng replied affirmatively, "I believe everything you say!"

"Then let me tell you, I've been playing tricks on you from beginning to end, do you believe me?"

"Yan Yifeng, do you also think that you have any qualifications and are worthy of being loved by others?"

"Just because you have a handsome face? Ridiculous! If it weren't for your good family background, do you think you can be as arrogant and domineering as you are now?"

(End of this chapter)

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