Chapter 478 I Am Not You
These words, to Jie Yiyi, have a lot of temptation...

In her eyes, she had changed her view of Yan Yifeng a long time ago, leaving was just a last resort...

The warmth and solidity in his arms are always easy to intoxicate. She wants to stay a little longer, a little longer.

It's a pity that the plane is about to take off, and she knows that she can no longer be so obsessed with it.

Containing her primitive emotions, she withdrew from his arms and smiled at him, "Yan Yifeng, can you stop making trouble?"

"For me, going back to Yan's house is like going to prison. I don't want to live a life that is worse than death."

"Besides, I have already found the pleasure of revenge from you. Now, no matter what conditions you ask, I am not interested anymore!"

Pulling back her slightly drooping hair, she spoke again, her voice suddenly softer, "Yan Yifeng, we... are really not suitable!"

"Please let go and give each other a good future. Love doesn't necessarily mean being together is the most perfect!"

"I hope you can find your own happiness in the future!"

"Similarly, I also hope that you can bless me, so be it, goodbye!"

She waved at him and let her go, how could Yan Yifeng be willing?

He said that no matter where she went, he would follow in her footsteps, even if it was the ends of the earth...

"No, I won't bless you, if you dare to leave me, I will curse you that you will never be happy for the rest of your life!!"

As if something sounded suddenly, he grabbed her wrist again and said excitedly, "Don't you want to know why I let Ai Shishi leave?"

"I'll tell you now, in fact, our child's departure has nothing to do with her. She is just a scapegoat. The real murderer is Yu Shaofan who says one thing in front of you and does another behind his back!"

Heart, so violently congested, she seized it.

Yan Yifeng's eyes are so deep, like a pond, bottomless, she can't tell the real from the fake.

Shaofan... is so kind, is it possible for him to do this?
Jie Yiyi shook her head, "'re lying, when the child was gone, the murderer you said was clearly Ai Shishi!"

"I know you said this to let me stay!"

She broke away from his hand and wanted to escape, but Yan Yifeng became even more excited, "Idiot! I was afraid that you would think wildly and not recuperate well, so I lied to you!!"

"Our child is gone, do you think I'm not heartbroken? I haven't dared to tell you because I haven't found conclusive evidence yet!!"

"Yu Shaofan's driver, do you still have any memories? On the day you had a miscarriage, she went to the hospital twice!!! And Ai Shishi flew to Thailand at twelve noon!!"

"Yu Shaofan used your innocence to hurt you, do you understand?"

Eye sockets were flushed, and the emotions in her heart were obviously agitated, but she held back, "Enough of Yan Yifeng! This doesn't prove anything...Let's stop here, you have lied to me so many times, now no matter what you say, I will never trust you again!!"

"I'm leaving, stop wasting your lips!" She pushed him away again.

"You fucking would rather believe Yu Shaofan than me, would you?"

She doesn't know anything, she only knows her own heart, which is very chaotic...

Ignoring his words, she continued walking.

How could Yan Yifeng stop there? He rushed up and handed the pistol to her, "This bullet is my promise to you!!"

(End of this chapter)

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