Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 497 Love or Enemy, You Choose 15

Chapter 497 Love or Enemy, You Choose 15
Yu Shaofan's usually gentle eyes suddenly turned cold, he shook off her hand, turned and left the room coldly.

Looking at the back, Jie Yiyi's chest was in severe pain.

In the past, when she was imprisoned in a birdcage, she wished so much that Shaofan would comfort her when she was sad, accompany her when she was happy, and take care of her when she was sick...

She wished that she could be with him every day and every night. Maybe God had mercy on her and let her realize this wish.

But she didn't know that people would change and love would transfer, so she pushed away the person she once loved the most with her own hands.

He must have hated and disappointed her to the core.

After taking a look at this carefully decorated princess room, she felt a bit bitter in her heart.


China, exactly 3:00 pm.

Still on the same bed, in that sitting position, his eyes were staring closely at the opposite screen.

He often frowns, and occasionally the corners of his mouth twitch slightly.

He never liked watching TV, or sad things.

But, he couldn't help it, and turned out the monitoring.

He watched everything that happened with Jie Yiyi from entering Yan's house to leaving.

Not just once, dozens of times.

Like a drama full of sentimentality, both of them are the protagonists.

However, the ending in the TV series should not be like this.

They should be together in love with each other.

In real life, Aunt Qiong Yao is not as warmhearted as Aunt Qiong Yao, and she will not give him a happy ending just because of pity.

In the picture, that was the scene when Jie Yiyi went into the kitchen to cook for him. He was leaning against the wall, staring at her unwaveringly.

However, Jie Yiyi was extremely serious, like a virtuous wife.

Bringing warmth and sweetness to people, he took her into his arms, hugged her and kissed her.

Can't remember which day it was, but what happened on that day, he will always remember it in his heart.

"Knock knock—" Just as he was concentrating, there was a harsh knock on the door.

Yan Yifeng frowned, he hated others interrupting his thoughts.

However, when he heard Mama Feng's voice, he turned off the monitor, and said indifferently, "Come in!"

Mama Feng pushed the dining car in, put the food aside, looked at Yan Yifeng's tired look, and said, "Mr. Yan, you haven't eaten lunch yet."

"I ordered the kitchen to boil you a soup that will heal your wounds, and you can taste it."

Yan Yifeng glanced at the food in Feng Ma's hand, closed his eyes, "put it here."

Mama Feng originally wanted to say that watching him eat it in person would make her feel better.

However, seeing that he was really tired, I thought, let him rest for a while, wait for the aroma of food to fill the room, and then eat when he has an appetite.

Without saying a word, she exited the room.

In the past few days, Mr. Yan has lost a lot of weight.

Fortunately, he won't refuse to take the drip like he did a few days ago.

With the nutrition injection, his body can barely survive.

If you can eat more, perhaps, the condition will gradually improve.

Seeing Mama Feng leaving, Michelle quietly opened the door and walked in.

And Yan Yifeng just wanted to press the hand of the remote control, but instinctively put it down, regained his usual indifference, and stared at the woman who barged in frightenedly.

After tidying up her clothes, Michelle walked towards this side.

Since that day, after being doused with porridge by Yan Yifeng, she has never appeared again, but there is no need to question her, she still stays at Yan's house.

Because her face was red and swollen and her skin was peeling off, she was afraid that Yan Yifeng would see her ugly side, so she endured the miss and stayed in the room to heal her wounds for a few days.

(End of this chapter)

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