Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 502 Love or Enemy, You Choose 20

Chapter 502 Love or Enemy, You Choose 20

"Yiyi, are you kidding me? You are helpless now, and you are still injured. Do you want to leave? Where are you going?"

"You are not familiar with the place here, and you are easily deceived, you know?"

When Jie Yiyi proposed to leave the castle with him, Yu Shaofan was startled and questioned instinctively.

Jie Yiyi pursed her lips and looked at him, without answering.

Yu Shaofan held her shoulders and said emotionally, "Yiyi, do you think I'm not good enough for you, so you want to leave?"

He managed to get her out of the country, but she wants to leave here?

This made him unacceptable.

"It's not Shaofan." Jie Yiyi explained, "I want to leave because there is no reason for you to be so kind to me..."

"I'm not young anymore, it's time to learn to be independent."

"I can't always grow up under your protection. I want to go out and see the outside world. I still have my own dreams to fulfill."

"You like wedding dress design, I can send you to the academy and help you realize your dream."

Her dreams and what she wanted were all easy for him.

Jie Yiyi looked at him gratefully, "Thank you, Shaofan, but I want to work hard with my own hands. A dream that is too easy to realize is not a dream."

Things that are too easy to get, others will not cherish.

"Yiyi..." Yu Shaofan's voice was a little displeased.

When Yan Yifeng imprisoned her in Yan's house, why didn't she have such an idea?
Now he let her stay in this castle and live the life she dreamed of before, why would she refuse?

Here, she has everything she wants, why can't she just stay here in peace?
He knew that she was in pain now, and she was thinking of Yan Yifeng in his heart, and it was precisely because of this that he wanted to keep her.

It is said that time can change everything, he thought, and in the castle with her, develop a relationship, return to the previous relationship...

"I've been bothering you all this time, I feel very sorry... Shaofan, don't worry, I will take good care of myself."

She is no longer the Jie Yiyi who could be bullied by others.

If you make her anxious, she will bite.

Yu Shaofan kept his eyes down and didn't speak for a long while.

He suddenly regretted that he had been indifferent to her that day.

In fact, he really felt sorry for her when she was sick, but when he thought of her going to tattoo him while she was seriously ill, his heart felt very uncomfortable like a thorn in his heart.

After embracing her, he wrapped her in his arms, his voice softened a little, "Yiyi, I'm sorry."

Jie Yiyi was shocked, not because he suddenly hugged her, but because he suddenly said sorry...

The person who was sorry for him was obviously her, but she made him say sorry. She felt that it was extremely weird.

"What's wrong with you? Why did you suddenly say sorry?" Jie Yiyi couldn't help asking him.

Holding her, Yu Shaofan didn't dare to use too much force, for fear of hurting her wound.

"The day you caught a cold, I shouldn't have treated you so indifferently."

"Shaofan, it's not because of this..."

Yu Shaofan's lips gently stroked hers, and then he said, "Yiyi, I won't force you to love me, but let me protect you!"

He compromised, in order to keep her, he still compromised, "You can love him, if one day you are together, if he can give you happiness, I will smile and bless you."

"But I'm not sure. I can't hand you over to him before he loves you."

"You are the one I love, how can I be willing to hand you over to a villain?"

(End of this chapter)

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