Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 509 Love or Enemy, You Choose 27

Chapter 509 Love or Enemy, You Choose 27
He patiently explained, and then prepared to leave.

But Jie Yiyi suddenly remembered something, and she quickly stopped him, "Wait."

Yu Shaofan paused for closing the door, and said in a concerned tone, "What's the matter Yiyi?"

Jie Yiyi walked towards him, hiding her emotions lightly, "It's nothing, I just want to ask, where is the driver who was with you before?"

On the surface, the waves are calm, but in fact, deep down, there are already turbulent waves.

Because his answer will mean his honesty, will mean whether he has lied, whether he has cheated her! !

Yu Shaofan turned his eyes, and looked at her with an expression that she rarely cares about this matter, "In the past few months, she has performed well with me, and it just so happens that I am short of a driver, so I brought her out .”

"Why did you mention her all of a sudden?" Yu Shaofan was somewhat puzzled.

The woman sitting across from Shaofan just now was really her...

So what is the relationship between her and her?Why, every time she calls her name, she calls it so kindly?
It was just a short moment of distraction, and she turned her head back, "No, I think she and I are destined for each other, and she takes good care of me, so I just thought of it, so I asked."

These words surprised Yu Shaofan, blood relationship is really important, otherwise, how would Yiyi feel that kindness?

"Since you miss her, I'll let her come to your room some other day."

What can she do?Only echoed with a smile, "Okay."

To her relief, Shaofan didn't lie to her, but confessed.

Ben was thinking about how to find opportunities for their mother and daughter to get along well and develop feelings for each other, but now, all of this is not difficult.

"Hey, go take a shower, don't catch a cold."

"Yeah." She nodded, then closed the door.

As soon as it was closed, she immediately dug out her suitcase and found the photo of her mother.

Her mother left her when she was ten years old. Although she has no memories of the past, she still keeps her mother's photos.

That photo was the only thing her mother left for her, so she cherished it like a treasure.

She looked carefully at the woman in the photo. Her complexion was fair, her eyes were big and beautiful, and she smiled charmingly.

The white formal suit revealed her temperament, and the colorful silk scarf around her neck exuded a kind of aesthetic and retro beauty.

That kind of dress was the most popular one ten years ago, so her mother has always been the most beautiful in her mind.

Although she didn't have much contact with the driver of Shaofan's family, she remembered her appearance clearly, which was completely different from her mother's face.

Except for the somewhat similar eyes, the rest are not at all like...

But Shaofan said that she would not be able to accept her, so what's going on?

The temperament of the driver is completely different from that of the mother, so how could they be the same person?

Mom is dead, as early as, ten years ago in a car accident and left.

A person cannot be resurrected after death, so she cannot be her own mother.

She suddenly remembered what Yu Shaofan told her about his life experience in the garden that day.

is that so?Shaofan was afraid that she would be sad, so he also hired someone outside to be her mother?
No... In her heart, mother is irreplaceable, and no one else can...

Holding that photo album for a long time, she didn't tidy up her things hastily until the servant knocked on the door, and went into the bathroom.

I'm sorry, I was going to let them meet today, but the plot can't be arranged, so I can only wait until tomorrow, good night everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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