Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 516 Love or Enemy, You Choose 34

Chapter 516 Love or Enemy, You Choose 34
Thinking of this, she quickly covered her ears, ran back to the room, and closed the door firmly.

No, Shaofan, he won't do this!

Although he lied to her about Jiang Yang, she believed that it had nothing to do with the previous child...

Turning on the shower in the bathroom, she hit her body hard...

Let the clear and clean water wash away her cranky thoughts.

Yes, even though Yu Shaofan's behavior could not be more suspicious, she still chose to believe it.

Until noon on the third day, she went to Yu Shaofan's room to look for him, and heard something she shouldn't have heard...

What trust, what other reasons, what let me explain, for her, everything is hypocrisy!
She was stopped by Huang Fulan's voice.

They were talking again, it was noon now, and Yu Shaofan knew that Jie Yiyi would take a lunch break during this time, so he didn't take any precautions against anyone.

The door, with a light push, opened a gap, Jie Yiyi leaned sideways and listened carefully.

"During this time, I have observed carefully. Yan Yifeng is ill and has not been to the company for several weeks. Now is the right time to act!"

This voice came from Huangfulan's mouth.

After hearing her words, business people can understand what her bottom finger is...

And Jie Yiyi will not be so stupid that she can't understand anything! !

It turned out that they were attacking CE while Yan Yifeng was injured.

For some reason, when she heard about Yan Yifeng, her chest would be so tight! !

She... doesn't want anything to happen to him.

Although she felt uncomfortable, she still held back, suppressed her emotions, and continued to listen.

I saw that Yu Shaofan frowned, as if he didn't agree with her statement.

"At the beginning, when you were in the casino, what did you tell me?"

"You said, you can do without everything, but you can't do without Yiyi."

"You don't expect anything extravagantly, you just hope that the family of three can be reunited!"

"Now, what you think is about to come true. You have come to express your dissatisfaction with me now?"

Yu Shaofan asked coldly.

Huang Fulan took a sip of the red wine, raised her eyebrows, "Why, are you scared?"

Yu Shaofan was indeed dissatisfied with such a provocation, but he persuaded, "Yan Yifeng is lying on the hospital bed~, you should smile with satisfaction, if he doesn't check you, you can be happy, if he checks you, heaven and hell will not have you Even if you are Yiyi's mother, he will not let you go!"

Huang Fulan shrugged needlessly, with a calm expression on her face, "It doesn't matter, life is supposed to be like this, intrigues, you hurt me, I've already died once, these, to me, how can I say that I'm afraid?"

"I'm keeping my last breath for what? It's for revenge!" Huang Fulan said with determination and fearlessness.

"Have you thought about Yiyi? If you angered Yan Yifeng, do you think he will let Yiyi go?"

"The person who will be injured at that time is not you, but Yiyi."

"How much you should feel sorry for Yiyi, you took away Yiyi's child, this is already a great harm to her, you can't be blinded by hatred!!"

"If Yiyi knows that her mother and father are still alive in this world, she will be very happy!!"

"But, if she knows the truth, not only will she not accept you, but she will hate you to the bone!!"

"Enough is enough! Get rid of the thought of taking revenge on Yan Yifeng!!"

(End of this chapter)

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