Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 518 Love or Enemy, You Choose 36

Chapter 518 Love or Enemy, You Choose 36
These things, as early as a few days ago, she already had a clue, but she still insisted on choosing to believe him.

I believe he is still the considerate, kind, and trustworthy Shaofan back then.

But what did she get for her foolish belief?
It's their use, that's all!

He's right, bad guys shouldn't be forgiven!

"Yiyi, all of this is just one-sidedness, don't get excited, I'll tell you the whole story!!"

Yu Shaofan grabbed her shoulders.

Can you still lie to me now?

I blame myself for being careless, talking about such an important matter, and not closing the door.

When she came, he didn't know, but she heard everything he and Huangfulan said clearly.

Shaking off his hand, Jie Yiyi sneered, "Do you think all this needs to be explained?"

"Since Jiang Yang's [-]th birthday, when she moved into the apartment, I realized something was wrong. Because of a driver, she couldn't run to my apartment without incident!"

"And, the weird thing is, since her appearance, Jiang Yang has never been normal."

"I can hear you talking every morning when I wake up. You lied to me and misled me by saying it was a dream, but I know very well that you are talking to her!!"

"Afterwards, in order to let Jiang Yang go abroad, you planned the apartment to be set on fire and burned three people, creating the illusion that Jiang Yang was burned to death, so that Yan Yifeng thought he was gone!!"

"All you have done is to prevent Jiang Yang from going back to prison to suffer. I understand, I understand your good intentions!!"

"How many people have you burned to death, and how much money have been paid to their homes, all of this..."

Before she could finish speaking, Yu Shaofan interrupted her, "Yiyi, I bought the apartment after discussing it with the landlady, and I also bought the three corpses at the crematorium. No one was injured or injured that night. ..."

"Yes Yiyi, we can't think of any other way to send your father abroad, we can only..." Huang Fulan echoed.

Jie Yiyi laughed ironically, "You have money, you can kill as many innocent people as you want!"

At first her voice was calm, but at the end, she couldn't control her emotions and growled loudly, "But where is my child, why did you mess with me?"

"Why do you take her out on your own initiative? Have you ever thought about my feelings? You keep saying that you care about me and love me, but who of you has done these two things? Deceive me, use me, hurt me, and take me away The most important thing in life, is this the expression of your love?"

"A mother who can brutally kill a child's life, I don't believe you will treat me any better!!"

"The mother in my impression, she is such a beautiful and considerate mother, unlike you, when you take off the mask, it is an ugly, disgusting and vicious face!"

"Yes, I've always longed to have a mother who can take care of me when I'm sick and comfort me when I'm sad, but compared to now, I hope you die in a car accident!"

She is angry!She has never scolded anyone so harshly before, this is the first time, because she has had enough! !

In her eyes, dirty words are ten thousand times cleaner than lies!
Everyone was stunned.

Huang Fulan always thought that when their mother and daughter recognized each other, it would be the most beautiful and memorable day in the world.

But I didn't expect it to be in such a situation! !

(End of this chapter)

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