Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 52 No more than 1 month 1

Chapter 52
City S is a bustling urban area, with gorgeous high-rise buildings everywhere.On the highway, there are too many vehicles, driving to and fro, looking from a distance, it looks like densely packed ants, countless.

Jie Yiyi looked out the window quietly, there were many scenery along the way, and soon, the car stopped at a film and television company with CE film and television in large characters.

Yesterday, the magazine said that Yan Yifeng also developed a film and television company. So, CE is his subsidiary?This film and television can produce many very popular stars...

What is he doing here?visit class?Or bring her to visit?
"Still getting out of the car?" Seeing Jie Yiyi standing there in a daze, Yan Yifeng opened the car door and knocked on her head hard.

A burst of pain came, and Jie Yiyi regained consciousness and wiped her head, staring at Yan Yifeng, "It hurts, okay?"

With that said, she opened the car door and followed.

Yan Yifeng went in through the VIP passage, pressed his own special elevator, and Jie Yiyi looked east and west before he followed in.

Yan Yifeng pressed the [-]th floor, and then took off his sunglasses.

"Yan Yifeng, why did you bring me here?" Jie Yiyi asked puzzled.

Wouldn't he want her to be an actress?She's not that interested.

"Kiss me once and I'll tell you!" Yan Yifeng leaned back, pursing his lips lightly.

"Yan Yifeng, are you finished? There is surveillance here, besides, you are not afraid that someone will take your picture and post it..." Jie Yiyi glared at him angrily.

"This is my territory, who dares?! I stomped his whole family!"


A violent man like him should be very angry when he is his employee, right?
"How is it? Do you want to trade?" Yan Yifeng moved closer to her, his eyes suddenly became ambiguous.

"You pretend I didn't ask anything!"

"It's too late, it's too late!"


Just as Yan Yifeng's lips were about to touch, the elevator opened with a bang, Jie Yiyi was very happy, but Yan Yifeng's face was as black as coal.

Yan Yifeng straightened his clothes, let out a cold snort, and walked out of the elevator, while Jie Yiyi followed closely behind him like a follower.

In the studio, the lights are dim, and there are many coquettishly dressed women standing around. However, on the bed next to it, there is a woman on the bed, facing the camera, posing in various charming and seductive poses...

Here, there are all big-name stars. In such a situation, it is obvious that they are not filming, but auditioning.

"Ka—" a man's voice suddenly came from the studio, the director stood up and said, "Stop posing, Mr. Yan is here!"

Yan Yifeng stood opposite them, without any expression on his face, the director ran over and said respectfully, "Mr. Yan, are you here?"

"I have to come here in person to choose a role, why should I raise you trash?" Yan Yifeng scolded coldly.

Usually directors are the most demanding and fierce. When Yan Yifeng came, he didn't even dare to fart, so he nodded quickly, "Yes, yes, Mr. Yan, please calm down! Sit, you sit!"

The director ordered someone to move a big chair for Yan Yifeng to sit down. As soon as Yan Yifeng sat down, he heard a group of female stars behind him orderly and respectful, "Hello, Mr. Yan!"

Yan Yifeng sat with his legs crossed, his face was cold and handsome, and he didn't respond.

The director didn't dare to neglect for a moment, and hurriedly called for the next one.

Jie Yiyi stood there in embarrassment, because she saw that the stares were all looking towards her... She was being stared at like a monster.

(End of this chapter)

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