Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 526 Love or Enemy, You Choose 44

Chapter 526 Love or Enemy, You Choose 44
When it was time to go to bed, Jie Yiyi saw that Jie Boliang had no intention of leaving.

She said, "Jie Boliang, are you going to leave?"

"Afraid that I will molest you?" Jie Bailiang was somewhat disdainful!

"..." Jie Yiyi didn't answer. In fact, she knew that Jie Bailiang didn't mean to hurt her.

Turning his back, putting his hands in his pockets, he said lightly, "I only treat you like a younger sister!"

In this life, he can only treat her as his younger sister.

It doesn't matter if he cares a little bit, because his rival in love is too strong.

In fact, the reason why he was indifferent to her and bullied her was not because he hated her.

She entered the Jie family at the age of ten.

At that time, she was immature and delicate. Although she was only a child, there were many things that attracted him.

Although Dad has always emphasized that she is his younger sister, he has unknowingly developed a different feeling for her.

If there is something good, he is always the first to think of her.

If she is angry, his mood will not be beautiful. When she is happy, he will be happy too.

However, this only lasted for a year. Later, one day when he was going to school, he was captured by a group of men in black.

They held guns and warned him not to be nice to her, not to care about her, and not to fall in love with her! ! !

Similarly, don't let her have feelings for him, stay away from her, and make her hate him! ! !
Otherwise... the men in black will make their whole family disappear!

Yes, since then, Jie Bailiang began to indifference her, joined forces with Jie Momo to bully her, and successfully made her hate her! !

This secret has been buried in his heart for ten years.

He couldn't tell, even if someone else came in to dig, he would stick to it.

Although she hated him, as long as he didn't express that love, the relationship between them would never be broken.

He can also approach her by continuing to bully her until he grows old...

Although Yu Shaofan loved her openly, but at this moment, they are already strangers.

Looking at his back, after a while, she said, "Unfortunately, I only see you as an enemy!"

Jie Boliang couldn't be more meaningless, "Whatever you want!"

That night, Jie Yiyi didn't dare to sleep too deeply, she just squinted her eyes lightly, for fear that Jie Boliang, a villain, would take advantage of others.

But it seems that she really misunderstood him. This night, he never entered the small house, but sat on the steps alone, watching the night scene.

The next morning, I went out early again to buy her breakfast.

Gradually, Jie Bailiang had a different view in her heart, and she seemed not so hateful.

It's just that no matter what she said, he didn't untie her handcuffs.

This kind of life lasted for two days, Jie Yiyi lost her freedom of movement and almost went crazy.

On this day, after Jie Boliang brought her breakfast, he never appeared again.

He drove the car away, and before leaving, he said a word to her: You have to be good, and pampered her head.

In my impression, it was the first time for him to speak to her in such a gentle manner.

Before she could ask what she meant, he had already turned and left the cabin.

That back, with loneliness and consistent indifference, gave people an indescribably strange feeling.

How did he leave?Moreover, the door of the cabin was closed.

By the way, what he said to her two days ago flashed through his mind. He said that in two days, someone will come here to save her! !

Who would that person be?
(End of this chapter)

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