Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 528 Love or Enemy, You Choose 46

Chapter 528 Love or Enemy, You Choose 46
It seems that this woman is too messed up! !
Don't punish her well, such things will happen again in the future...

After staring at her for a while, Yan Yifeng restrained his violence, and a thrilling smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

To others, this may be handsome, but to Jie Yiyi, it is sinister, more terrifying than demons...

What does his sudden smile mean?She didn't know how to guess, and she didn't dare to guess randomly.

All she knew was that there was an invisible oppression that made her breathless.

"Very good! I am very satisfied with this answer!"

He smiled even more wickedly, squinted his eyes, and let go of her.

The sharp chin was red and swollen from his pinching, Jie Yiyi didn't relax because of his letting go, and her breathing became tighter.

Because Yan Yifeng in the next second is so unfeeling that it breaks your heart...

He leaned over and violently pulled the black suitcase that fell on the bed.

Glancing at her, he skillfully pressed the password of the suitcase.

When the suitcase was opened, Jie Yiyi's eyes instantly became bloodthirsty, and there was even a trace of panic.

Wave after wave of bitterness welled up in her throat, and she asked with difficulty, "Yan Yifeng, what do you want to do?"

Yan Yifeng took advantage of the situation and sat down on the bed, smiled and took out a black pistol from the suitcase, stroked it repeatedly, and played with it.

Jie Yiyi originally thought that there was money in his suitcase, but unexpectedly, those were all pistols, shocking...

Seeing her panic, Yan Yifeng raised his eyebrows, "What do you want to do? It seems that your memory is really not very good!"

The cold hand ~ the gun, slid across her cheeks that became rosy due to nervousness, and he said, "Before entering the operating room, what did I tell you?"

The gun continued to slide until it reached her chest, "I said... If I wake up and can't see you, I will personally shoot you in the chest!"

With a tremor, Jie Yiyi called out, "Yan Yifeng..."

"Don't question it, I'm not joking with you, the guns I brought today are all prepared to serve you..."

His cold voice didn't carry any warmth, like the frost in winter, which made her whole body numb.

Without waiting for her to answer, he continued to speak and chuckled, "Do you think that I will pamper and pamper you like before?"

"Give me a jujube, and you can slap me a few times? Huh?"

"Wrong, Jie Yiyi, don't be so naive..."

The gun brushed lightly across her chest, and his voice was cold, "The pain you will endure will be a hundred times greater than mine!"

Those words, like a dagger, cut a deep hole in her heart...

She dared not speak, for fear that if she spoke, she would reveal her sadness.

This was the expression Yan Yifeng had expected a long time ago, he drew back the gun, and under her gaze, loaded it easily.

"Being soft to others is hurting yourself!!"

The gun pointed at Jie Yiyi's forehead, and Yan Yifeng returned to seriousness, "But I think, I will still hold out hope and give you one last chance!!"

"Love or enemy, you choose yourself?!"

If she chooses a lover.

He will abandon everything and live and die with her.

If she chooses enemies.

This may be the last time Jie Yiyi will see him.

Yes, he once said that even if it hurts, he will let her spend the next life on the bed. Only when her wings are removed, she will not leave him.

That handsome face is deeply imprinted in Jie Yiyi's heart, she has only realized until now that it is not a good thing to be pointed at by a lover with a gun.

(End of this chapter)

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