Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 530 No One Loves You More Than Me In This World 2

Chapter 530 No One Loves You More Than Me In This World 2
No matter how deeply you have been hurt, there will always be someone who will let you forgive all the difficulties that life has made to you before.

I always thought that no one can warm up a cold heart, but the power of love is always great, it can melt everything...

This is the passion that ignites when they meet again after being separated from each other...

The scene of the explosion couldn't be clearer in his mind, but Jie Yiyi couldn't help but sink down.

At this moment, she didn't think about anything, she just wanted to let him ask and take endlessly.

Because, every time he kisses deeply, he unreservedly reveals his deep miss and love for her, which is what she longs for.

The emotions he conveyed made her boil...

They didn't search for their organs, but the two of them seemed to be pushed into heaven. I heard that feeling is called happiness.

For a second, I wanted to suffocate in each other's arms...

After Jie Yiyi left that recording and left mercilessly, he swore that she would be the woman he hated the most in his life.

He tried every means to forget her, and even kept a coquettish person like Michelle by his side...

He thought that in this way, he could divert his target and completely forget her...

However, the more I want to forget, the more unforgettable it will be.

Which night did he not think of her?

Which night did he not lose sleep over her?
Made her shower gel into perfume, sprayed it on her body, and slept peacefully with that little smell...

Find out the records of her staying at Yan's house, every time he sees her curled up in his arms, his heart hurts fiercely.

He was worried, at this moment, would she just shrink into Yu Shaofan's arms like this?
Not to mention the bed~ thing, he wished he could smash that TV.

Until, a week ago, Feng's mother suddenly broke into his room and handed him the check and the plane ticket in his suit...

His heart suddenly seemed to be full of daggers, and the pain was extremely painful...

This was what Jie Yiyi stuffed into his pocket when he was shot and sent to the hospital. At that time, he was conscious, but because he woke up and got the news of her leaving, he forgot to take the things in the pocket.

Later, when he questioned Yan Yixi, he learned the real reason for her leaving.

The old man threatened her with his life, so she left China on the charge of abandoning him.

At that moment, he felt guilty, even inferior...

He shouldn't have put a woman through this.

Yes, he had a cruel father, and he didn't settle with the old man because of this...

Instead, he went to the hospital and invited the top doctors to treat him. In front of Jie Yiyi, he must not be weaker than her, no matter how deep the gunshot is...

She is a fragile woman, and he wants to give her a sense of security.

Fearing that she would be captured by the old man's men, he sent Jie Bailiang to Europe to settle her down...

With a strong possessive desire, he was afraid that she would be moved by Jie Boliang's concern for her and would have a good impression of him, so he emphasized many times to keep him indifferent to her, otherwise, he would never let him go in this life Mother gets out of prison.

That's why Jie Boliang handcuffed her and restrained her feet...

It's quite interesting to talk about all this, but Yan Yifeng, who loves face, will never let Jie Yiyi know the truth no matter what.

She hated Jie Boliang, and in his heart, he was so happy...

After the water trickled down, he let go of her, kissed her heartbrokenly, and bit her nose again with her wet eyelashes, "In the future, do you still dare to leave me?"

(End of this chapter)

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