Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 541 No One Loves You More Than Me In This World 14

Chapter 541 No One Loves You More Than Me In This World 14
Heart, suddenly cut like a knife.

Maybe she shouldn't have agreed to him so quickly, she hasn't seen him clearly yet.

Yan Yifeng quickly chased back to the room, grabbed her wrist, his face was cold, "Why are you running?!"

Glancing at his handsome face, Jie Yiyi concealed her emotions, "Yan Yifeng, let's be quiet!"

"You just came back with me and you want to leave?" He asked coldly.

The anger in the voice became stronger, "How stupid are you?"

"Can't you see my feelings for you?"

"If it weren't for the love in my heart, I would never forget you, I would come to you with a wound?"

"So what if I have a hundred women by my side?!"

"Even if they put on coquettish poses and lie on my bed~, that doesn't prove that I betrayed you!"

"Not just anyone can make trouble in my heart!"

"except you!"

"I dare to admit, that is my confession to you!"

There were extra hands at the waist, and Jie Yiyi threw herself into his arms, holding him tightly.

She guessed right, he was still injured.

No reason, just rely on that sentence: If it weren't for the love in my heart, I would never forget you, I would come to you with a wound?

"Yan Yifeng, I am willing to believe in you."

Yan Yifeng hugged her back, "Remember what I said today!"

"No matter how long it takes, don't question me. In this world, no one loves you more than me!"

Jie Yiyi trembled her lips, wanted to speak, but didn't know what to say, so she stood on tiptoe and kissed him.

Like a child who has done something wrong, that action was a little eager, eagerly begging for his response and forgiveness...

Yan Yifeng's lips were a little cold, and he looked at her.

Jie Yiyi's kissing skills have improved more than before, and she knows how to attack his wall teeth, but this seems to be unable to arouse his response.

After a while, Jie Yiyi let go of him, and asked cautiously, "Are you angry?"

His face was still stern, but he couldn't bear to see her flattering appearance and ignore her.

"What do you say?"

She lowered her head, her voice was a little weak, "It was my fault!"

"You still dare to throw face at me in the future?"

"No more, Yan Yifeng, we don't quarrel, we finally got together, we want to live in peace."

"Has Yu Shaofan touched you?"


"I mean touch, including even little hands are not allowed to pull!"

The expression on Jie Yiyi's face was a bit awkward, he was really a very possessive man.

"Except for you, I have already begun to instinctively reject other people's touch."

"Yan Yifeng, Yu Shaofan is just my past, can you let it go?"

"Besides, you have had so many women before, and I haven't..."

Her lips were tightly sealed, and Yan Yifeng did not allow her to speak.

A few seconds later, seeing her silence, he let go, "Don't mention it in the future!"

He used to be a bigot, if Jie Yiyi cares about it, his fingers might be sore...

But that was always the past, as long as he was sincere to her, she didn't have to worry about it.

"Well, then from now on, don't question me anymore and trust me."

Yan Yifeng's complexion was a little heavy, but he still nodded, "Yeah."

Jieyi leaned into his arms, "Also, don't yell at me in the future, I want you to care about me in another way!"

"Are you haggling with me?"

Jie Yiyi stuck out her tongue at him, "That's right!"

As soon as the words fell, she was lifted up horizontally, and Yan Yifeng threw her into the bathroom, "Help me take a bath!"

Then Jie Yiyi rang, he was injured, "Yan Yifeng, your injury..."

"One more long-winded sentence, strong ~ violent you!"

(End of this chapter)

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