Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 549 You are the least qualified person to manage me 8

Chapter 549 You are the least qualified person to manage me 8
"Yan Yifeng, the doctor said that your injury is serious and your body is strong. Although there is nothing wrong now, but in the future..."

"What are you listening to them talking about? A group of incompetent doctors, didn't he just yell at them just to get revenge on me, so he came to curse me!"

Is it a curse? Jie Yiyi knew very well in his heart that Yan Yifeng had always been a person who didn't love his body. He always thought that he was an invulnerable King Kong Man.

But, she was distressed. When she was sick, he didn't even let him get out of bed, and cared a lot for her. Now that he was sick, how could she ignore him?

For him, she has always seen him in her eyes and hurt her in her heart.

Jie Yiyi stepped forward and hugged him, "Yan Yifeng, if you erase your name, you can get another tattoo. I hope you can listen to me and heal your injuries."

"Don't erase!" That was the most important thing deeply seared in his heart, how could it be erased?
He wants to hold her tightly so that she won't get lost in his life. For the sand that can't be held, he puts it in a box and snuggles into his arms, can't he?

"You promised me to check up on time and take medicine. If you dare to speak without faith, I will ignore you for the rest of your life."

"How dare you?!" He bit her hard on the shoulder.

Enduring the pain, Jie Yiyi curled her lips, "If you don't heal your wounds obediently and listen to the doctor's instructions to uncover the skin, I will dare, not only will I dare, but I will..."

Yan Yifeng didn't give her a chance to finish speaking, and sealed her lips hard.

He was still as rough and domineering as ever, with the force of gnawing~biting, sucking~sucking back and forth on the tip of her tongue...

When she responded, he immediately held her head and deepened the kiss...

Afraid of touching his wound, Jie Yiyi didn't dare to move, and could only respond cautiously.

However, this kiss was not as long as Jie Yiyi imagined. After a while, Yan Yifeng let go of her, and his thin lips kissed her cheeks, nose, and eyes lightly.

That movement, the fatal tenderness, makes people intoxicated.

Jie Yiyi opened her eyes, and saw Yan Yifeng's handsome face without any blemish.

There was a hint of warmth in her heart, but when she thought of his injury, her heart throbbed again.

She had to find a way to convince Yan Yifeng.

Otherwise, this injury will be delayed again and again... I'm afraid it will really delay the recovery.

Yan Yifeng is such a handsome person, if she has flaws because of her, she will never be happy in her life.

"What else do you want?" He stopped kissing and asked.

At this time, Jie Yiyi naturally wouldn't say those words that angered him, she leaned in his arms, caressing his wound gently, "Yan Yifeng, I am concerned about you."

"You know I won't leave you because of this, but if you don't obediently heal your injuries, I will be angry, feel uncomfortable and blame myself."

"Jie Yiyi, how did your chest get hurt in the first place?" Looking at her looming fullness, Yan Yifeng asked.

"..." If it was said that she used a knife to kill herself because of self-blame and guilt, Yan Yifeng would definitely call her stupid.

Seeing that she didn't answer, Yan Yifeng suddenly thought of a very serious question. She unbuttoned her clothes and observed carefully.

The word 'wind' is on the top right of her plump body. If it is tattooed, her breasts must be exposed.

A sharp light flashed in his eyes, "Who tattooed my name on you?"

Jie Yiyi thought he was a beast~ sex again, and was about to stop him, but when she heard his questioning, she changed her words again, "It's a Chinese."

(End of this chapter)

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