Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 551 You are the least qualified person to manage me 10

Chapter 551 You are the least qualified person to manage me 10

"No, no matter how much Yiyi hates me, she is my daughter after all, I want to find her and bring her back!" Huang Fulan couldn't help but stood up from the sofa and ran out the door.

Jiang Yang grabbed her and threw her back, "You have done such a cruel thing to Yiyi, you still have the face to let Yiyi come back with you?"

"I heard from Shaofan that she was brought to the manor by Mr. Yan. The child now has her own happiness. Don't bother her anymore, let alone sprinkle salt on her wound."

They owe Yiyi too much, and he will not destroy her happiness again.

Whether Yan Yifeng is true or false to her, he can see clearly in his heart.

"But, Yiyi is my child after all. I have been waiting for ten years, just waiting for her to call me mother, and now she has run away with her enemy..."

A sharp stab in her heart, in fact, she also regretted a little bit, when she cruelly killed the child in Yiyi's stomach.

But if she doesn't get rid of it, the one who suffers from her is Yiyi. She really knows what kind of guy Yan Yifeng's father is!

After giving birth, without saying a word, throw down the check and kick Yiyi out of Yan's house...

How could she have the heart to let her jump into it even though she knew it was a fire pit?
Jiang Yang glared at Huangfulan. In fact, during the time he lived in the castle, he had thought about it clearly.

Since Mr. Yan doesn't care about the past, why should he hold on to the past?
According to Mr. Yan's temper, he found out that they burned down the apartment, and the partner lied to him. Knowing that he was still alive in this world, he had already sent someone to kill him, but he did nothing and took Yiyi back. Unexpectedly...

"Paper can't contain fire. When you killed Yiyi's child back then, you should have expected such an end!"

"Which child in the world can bear to have such parents?"

"Lan, I have been in prison for the past few years. I found that you have changed too much. You used to be a kind and virtuous mother. You are not like what you are now. You are only full of hatred..."

A trace of determination and dissatisfaction flashed across Huang Fulan's face, "All of this is forced by life."

"All these years, do you think I have a good life? My life is worse than yours in prison. What am I doing? Ask God for a complete home!"

"Back then, you treated Yan Yifeng like your own son. What is he doing now? Do you understand if he bites you back?"

"Are you willing to bow your head to him for the rest of your life? Give your daughter to such a man who will avenge you?"

Jiang Yang closed his eyes and sighed heavily, "It's passed..."

"Yiyi is suffering in this world because of a worthless man like you!!!"

"It's all your fault, everything is your fault!" Huang Fulan picked up a pillow and threw it at him.

Jiang Yang opened his eyes and stared at her coldly. Seeing that Huang Fulan still had no intention of restraining himself, he yelled coldly, "You crazy woman, have you had enough trouble?"

"Give me back my daughter, give me back my daughter..." Huang Fulan was still puzzled.

Jiang Yang got up and slapped her on the face, "You are enough!"

"When something like this happened, who can I blame? For the past ten years, I have hoped every day that Mr. Yan would give me a chance to get out of prison. Now I finally got my wish, but you messed up everything. If it wasn't because you hurt Yiyi's stomach My child, will she shake her face and leave here? Huh?"

(End of this chapter)

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