Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 553 You are the least qualified person to manage me 12

Chapter 553 You are the least qualified person to manage me 12

After the operation, maybe because of the anesthesia and the efficacy of the medicine, Yan Yifeng lay on the bed~ and fell asleep, sleeping like a peaceful child.

But Jie Yiyi is busy, this month, Yan Yifeng needs to take too many medicines and transfusions, she is busy sorting...

The medicines for the day and night were completely different, and she didn't want to bother the doctor for everything, so she had to do it herself.

Moreover, she knew Yan Yifeng's temper, and he lost his temper at every turn. The doctor said that after the operation, the last thing he could do was lose his temper.

His lips were very chapped, and Jie Yiyi even took cotton swabs from time to time to moisten him.

After a while, the drip is over, and the air cannot be sucked in, so it must be replaced immediately.

This afternoon, she never stopped...

I didn't even drink my saliva, and I even forgot the time to eat...

At night, she finally finished her work, and at this time Yan Yifeng also woke up.

Seeing that he was about to get up, she immediately stopped him, and said, "Yan Yifeng, you just finished the operation and you can't move around. If you want anything, I can get it for you."

Yan Yifeng looked at her with two ponytails, and couldn't help showing a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, which seemed to be mocking her childishness.

After a few seconds, he pulled his lips and said, "I want to kiss you!"

Uh, at this time, can't he put those down in advance?

However, how dare she disobey him?

She lowered her head and planted a kiss on his lips, and then quickly let go, "Okay, you are a patient now, so you can't have that kind of thought for the time being, you stay here obediently, I'll go down and get you some porridge."

Yan Yifeng took her hand, "I'm not hungry!"

"Eat even if you're not hungry. You've been lying here all afternoon. If you don't eat something, your body won't be able to bear it."

"Hey, be obedient, don't move around, I'll be right back, I promise you will see me in 5 minutes."

With that said, Jie Yiyi quickly turned around and left the room.

Yan Yifeng held a faint smile, this woman really did her duty...

Suddenly, the smile on the corner of her mouth faded. In her mind, this woman has been busy, and it seems that she hasn't stopped. What if her body is exhausted?
Although he kept his eyes closed all the time, he knew exactly what she was doing.

Damn woman, who told him to fuck like this~ please help him?Too busy to even eat?She is really capable!
In 30 minutes and [-] seconds, Jie Yiyi came up with the porridge. Seeing that Yan Yifeng had changed the lying posture to sitting, her complexion changed suddenly, and she immediately put down the porridge and reprimanded, "Yan Yifeng, you don't keep your word, I will let you lie down Don't move around on the bed, why did you get up?"

Yan Yifeng threw the tissue on the table at her, "Who told you to forget to drink water or eat?"

"What time is it? You still give me an empty stomach?" There was a hint of concern and pampering in his sinister voice.

With a rumbling stomach, Jie Yiyi smiled awkwardly, only to realize that she was starving.

"I... I'll eat after you finish eating!!"

"Still waiting for me to finish eating? Give it to me now, if you don't eat it, I'll get out of bed!"

At this moment, a maid came in pushing a dining cart outside the door, Jie Yiyi bit her lip, "Don't get out of bed, I'll just eat."

Sitting down by the bed, she ate carefully.

Yan Yifeng supervised her, "Don't just eat, don't eat vegetables, don't forget, you promise me that you will eat a bowl of vegetables, a bowl of meat, and a bowl of soup every day. If you can't do it, I will sprinkle it on the gunshot wound. Some salt!"

(End of this chapter)

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